National holiday to ensure we 'never forget.'
Maybe the only way to halt the rapacious devouring of our nearly extinct franchise of democracy is to focus the Nation on what really happened on 6 Jan 2001. It is certainly on my short list of major threats to our Constitution and our democracy -- right their with Jefferson Davis announcing Mississippi's exit from the union and 7 Dec 1941.
Maybe a National holiday dedicated to study, discussion, reenactments, and more would bring the level of attention that that day deserves. Maybe the creation of a "Voter's Rights Day" as a National holiday on the 6th of January of every year would remind us to 'never forget' that our franchise is the right of each citizen to equitable access to vote and to the knowledge that their vote was counted as they intended.
And, what better way to launch this drive to create a National holiday than to have legislation proposed on the frist day of the new, 109th Congress and have everyone focused on 6 Jan 2005. Even without passage of the legislation, the act could provide the much needed focus throughout Nation on what, by then, should be strongly supported -- a formal call to halt the process and remedy the disenfranchisement that so many of our fellow citizens suffered on 2 Nov 2004.
Will the newly sworn Senator Obama be prepared to stand with his colleagues in the House of Representatives and call this election process what it is -- invalid. That would be a great way to inaugurate the first, not yet official "Voter's Rights Day."
"Did Bush Know?"