NC County Date Incident Wake 2004-10-27 09:15:01 PST Caller attempted to vote early at her designated polling place. She cast her vote and inserted ballot into MarkSense (optical scar) voting machine. Machine has a stremaing receipt tape that prints the ballot submission status for each ballot inserted for scanning in the machine. When caller inserted her ballot, she noticed that the printout of her ballot entry stated in red ink "Ballot has not been processed" Caller investigated further by examining the printout tape and found that every ballot cast in that particular machine for the previous 3 (approx) hours also had "not been processed. Ballots cast before that 3 hour period were recorded on the machine's printout in black ink: "Ballot has been processed". Caller attmepted to notify poll workers about this problem and they examined the voting machine. However they said that there was no problem b/c they believe that "LED counter" had been counting ballots. Poll workers could not tell caller with certainty whether votes that were "counted" by LED were also recording the actual votes on the inserted ballots.
Cabarrus 2004-10-25 10:34:29 PST When she went to vote, the electronic machine told her that no selection was made. When she called her local election official, she was told that it was user error.
Franklin 2004-10-28 10:55:43 PST While doing early voting, I was there 10 minutes. I saw 2 people's ballots shoot out of the machine after they left. No one was monitoring the machines. I reported it, and the staff put the ballots back into the machine. I am concerned that the ballots could be counted twice, and that if no one noticed, they would not be counted at all. I'm especially worried because it happened twice in a short time.
Wake County 2004-10-28 12:57:19 PST Caller voted and when he place the ballot in the machine he received a recipt that said paper jam, return ballot. When he noticed this on receipt he went back to the polling place, but was told don't worry about it. Similar problem happened to wife who also voted.
Forsythe County 2004-10-28 13:54:54 PST Caller went to county election meeting. County will not be answering it's phone on Nov. 2. Also, there was a broken machine at the county's main office and machines with battery problems. Concerned that votes may have been lost.
graham 2004-10-29 08:19:16 PST voter called earlier about unclear ballot; she is faxing us a copy of that electronic ballot Rausyth
2004-11-01 19:10:31 PST Did early voting. Was first sent to booth #6, then told to go to booth #7. Felt the person who "misdirected" her was Republican and that she "looks like a democrat." Is concerned there will be mismatch between her official polling address and the booth she voted in.
Grange 2004-11-02 06:44:41 PST Voter was voting at church and the machine was jamming, voter filled out another paper ballot after trying machine -- ballot went into "emergency box". Voter has concerns that ballot will not be counted. Local official is following up with local board of elections.
Davie 2004-11-05 13:42:22 PST Computer voting precinct. Caller claims that the machine had trouble staying on Republican candidates - it kept switching to Democrat "like a magnet"
Durham 2004-11-08 10:40:56 PST All of a sudden poll workers stopped having voters put their ballots into the machine, and instead had voters place ballots in a box underneath the machine. Workers said there was a malfunction with the machine.
Forsyth 2004-11-08 10:53:54 PST Caller was asked to sign a form noting her ballot number; she felt this violated the idea of a secret ballot. The explanation by poll workers was that the machine where you put completed ballots was jamming.{cr}{newline} Caller also wants to report that in 2000 she showed up to the same precinct 10 minutes before the polls closed and was told they had already closed & was not allowed to vote.
Guilford 2004-11-02 09:12:36 PST Entry left blank intentionally, machine says leaving 2 blank
Wake 2004-11-02 09:37:26 PST Optical scan ballot reader was not registering ballots as they were fed in. Official telling voters to put them in anyway. Voter observed that counter did not advance for 3 ballots, then began again at 791. Official ignoring red light.
Vance 2004-11-02 10:02:32 PST Voter reported that voting machine broken. Official collecting ballots in wooden box. Voter scared that box would be tampered with.
Mecklenburg 2004-11-02 11:15:54 PST wants to know if her vote went through before the machine broke down
Buncombe 2004-11-02 11:17:51 PST Machine light not on when voting Guilford 2004-11-02 11:23:12 PST Voter called to express concern re: electronic machine. Afraid poll monitor is stuffing ballot.
Forsyth 2004-11-02 11:38:35 PST There was an out of order sign on the ballot box. The poll worker told voters to put ballots in a lockbox. District was previously white but now predominantly African American. Thought it was suspicious and wanted to let someone know.
Forsyth 2004-11-02 11:51:19 PST Voter reported that voters were instructed to put ballots in a metal silver box, concerned as to why.
Vance County 2004-11-02 14:09:39 PST They used punchcard ballots and the tallying maching broke down. The votes were placed in a box. Voter was concerned her vote would not count.
Polk County 2004-11-02 14:14:40 PST Voter indicated she placed her ballot in the scanning machine and the counter number did not change from 575 to 576 and the same thing did not happen when her husband voted
Cumberland 2004-11-02 14:17:17 PST Only 1 machine, ballot wouldn't go through the slot (optical machine); machine said pull, not a number. Worker said she didn't feel anything wrong with it, put it into the box in the front of the machine. Voter also called it in to the county board.
Stokes 2004-11-02 15:31:45 PST The voter called because his local ballot was torn by the machine reader. He was not given another ballot. The poll monitor did not remove the machine.
Stanly 2004-11-02 16:05:28 PST touch screen machine, after completing ballot, screen said "undovote". She asked for assistance, but was only shown how to push button to make vote final. Thinsk she voted for all offices. Made individual votes for each separate category, in addition to straight ticket ballot.
Orange 2004-11-02 05:13:10 PST the optical scan machine stopped working at the 15th ballot of the morning and would no longer accept ballots; poll worker put ballots into the emergency door in the machine, however no one appeared to know the appropriate procedure; it would appear that since all ballots were in the machine, how would one know which had been scanned and which had not
Forsyth 2004-11-02 08:54:44 PST Caller was from Winston Salem Voting Coalition...Ballot counting machines for punch-card ballots not working at 5 different precincts in Winston Salem. Coalition had called local BOE to ask about "locked boxes" that ballots were going into but wanted to know more about appropriate process when machines break down and who had keys to the boxes. By the time I called back, they had reports of same problem from 2 more precincts.
Forsyth 2004-11-02 15:41:19 PST Ballot counting machine stopped. Put ballots in locked silver box and later learned that the same thing had happened to voter's mother at Miller Park Rec Center before 7am.
Mecklenburg 2004-11-02 15:47:52 PST Machine (3rd machine) would not let her go back.
Forsyth 2004-11-02 15:50:17 PST Counter is broken. Poll officials are putting ballots in a box and not counting them.
Alamance 2004-11-02 08:54:56 PST Voting Machines went down and were unplugged and reset to allow voting to resume
Catawba 2004-11-02 16:55:09 PST Machines were electronic - poll workers were encouraging voters to vote straight party and for the president simply because it was easier. They were not encouraging one party or the other, but she wanted to call because she thought this was improper.
Chatham 2004-11-02 17:01:52 PST Machine not working properly. was told to just put ballot in the slot, but she's concerned that the vote wasn't counted.
Carteret 2004-11-03 13:44:56 PST Reported via e-mail, apparently from a newspaper article:{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}Carteret County North Carolina{cr}{newline}--------------------------------------------{cr}{newline}Carteret elections marred by lost votes November 03,2004 JANNETTE PIPPIN{cr}{newline}DAILY {cr}{newline}NEWS STAFF {cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}BY JANNETTE PIPPIN{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}BEAUFORT - Carteret County's election results came Tuesday night with news{cr}{newline}of a {cr}{newline}major problem that resulted in the loss of more than 4,000 votes cast{cr}{newline}during the {cr}{newline}early voting period.{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}Due to an error admitted by the manufacturers of Carteret County's electronic {cr}{newline}voting system, the number of ballots cast exceeded the storage capacity of{cr}{newline}the {cr}{newline}unit, said Carteret County Board of Elections Chairman Ed Pond.{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}The county was told the limit was 10,500 votes when it was actually 3,005.{cr}{newline}There {cr}{newline}were 7,537 early votes cast in the county.{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}"The Unilect technical people now admit that they were in error and that the {cr}{newline}accumulation and storing capacity is only 3,005 total votes, and that the {cr}{newline}additional votes of 4,530 are lost," said Pond, who read directly from an{cr}{newline}e-mail {cr}{newline}sent to the state Board of Elections about the problem.{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}However, election officials said they do not believe the lost votes affect{cr}{newline}the {cr}{newline}county races for Board of Commissioners.{cr}{newline}