Perhaps the time has come. Old adage comes to mind...when you lie down with dogs, you get fleas. One has to wonder if Powell is going to allow the debacle that is Iraq to be pinned on him.
It would be nice if he decides to come forward with the truth after this...
Worldview | Hawk finds a goat
By Trudy Rubin
As fighting continues in Iraq 20 months after the fall of Baghdad, with more U.S. troops en route, some of the war's biggest proponents are putting out a new story line to deflect blame.
Heaven forfend that those responsible should accept the blame for the gross mismanagement of postwar Iraq (and give us hope of wiser policies down the line). No, instead we see a shameless passing of the buck.
Iraq's troubles are the fault of Colin Powell, the State Department, and the CIA, says Richard Perle, the former chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Review Board. Perle is one of the most active of the neoconservatives whose thinking shaped the handling of the postwar.
Last week Perle told Fox television's Bill O'Reilly that Iraq's problems should be laid at Powell's door.This could be a great day if Powell decides to tell the truth about the lie that is the Bush Reich.
}( My guess is that he has covered his ass all the way down fearing this moment. He is not a stupid man.