Here's what I've been sending to a number of the bigger papers that published
this AP storyAlthough sending the same letter to multiple papers should be avoided, I would wanted to "ping" as many editors as possible on this -- See
this search for candidates if you are interested in sending something similar.
Re: {title as it appears in paper, date}
Steven Huefner's observation, that "Courts are just incredibly reluctant to overturn the results of an election absent a really strong showing that something happened that affected the outcome" reflects a theme we have long heard, but which makes no sense.
By far the most disturbing circumstances that have occurred in this election are the confirmed cases of disparate treatment being afforded to certain classes of voters. When systemic barriers to exercising the franchise exist that correlate to a citizen's age, race, religion, socio-economic status, or other identifiable characteristic, the election is neither free and fair, nor lawful in the absence of any corrective remedy being applied.
Those who assert that the results of such an election should stand are complicit with a violation of our shared democratic principles. If such an assertion comes from our courts, then judicial reasoning is flawed and must be overturned. We the People, through our representatives, have set out our election laws to ensure free and fair elections that yield results that reflect OUR will.
10-hour poll-tax-lines for poor, minority voters AND no lines for affluent, white voters may be tolerable to racists, but it is time for true American patriots to draw the line. We must not continue to tolerate the intolerable.
It doesn't matter what the margin of victory. An unfair and discriminatory election must be struck down. To claim that a large margin of victory puts an election outside the zone of litigation is to assert that election officials in a state that leans heavily for one candidate or the other are free to discriminate to any degree without consequence.
Not in my America.