No matter how hard I try I cannot spend the time out here on DU to figure out or keep up with what is going on. Everything I get, I get in snatches and whenever I sit down to read, I get sucked into one thread or another, but real life interferes before I can make it through very many of the intriguing headlines. I don't know what I am asking of anyone except can someone answer these few questions so I can kind of get back in the game without reading through the multitude of topics that draw me in?
Question 1: what ever happened in New Hampshire? I have combed the MSM and have either missed anything about it or it wasn't there to start with.
Question 2: I am going to a meeting tonight re: the Ohio recount. Yet I read one thread this morning that made me feel as if Ohio is a lost cause (the votes all seem to validate a Bush win?). Is this the thinking on this or is there still hope? Of course I happen to believe if the votes validate a Bush victory, it is because the problem wasn't so much meddling with the machines as it was through disenfranchisement in Democratic precincts - which is a valid complaint in itself, but without a "re-vote" I can't see us making a case there (because I highly doubt a re-vote would ever be given at Democrats request).
Question 3: One of the threads I read this morning mentioned investigations into voter fraud in St Louis - but the target seems to be Dem's, not Republicans. I don't know exactly what to ask about this except isn't it possible that the GOP picked up on the rumblings about voter fraud against them and have managed to aim it instead at the Dem's? And if so, is it possible that in this arena either some are guilty of it or have been framed to look guilty of it? Because as I see it, if they make the MSM first (and of course the media would not fail to report fraud on the other foot I am sure) then they can make it look like all of our efforts are to "get even" because "we" got caught?
Last, there is a thread where someone mentions Dean has done something but I haven't been able to find out what. And I couldn't tell from the posts if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Can someone either enlighten me or point me to the right thread on this?
Sorry. I probably shouldn't even be allowed to initiate a post as I am still relatively new - but I just realized the way this week is shaping up, I am not going to be able to catch up this week either and I have to make a decision about going to Ohio - and these other things are just haunting me everywhere I go. If anyone can give me quick answers to the above I would greatly appreciate it AND I PROMISE to do something, anything to help the DU efforts where ever they are needed as soon as life settles down here at bit.