Is that in swing states with paperless evoting and in other states with evoting some vote flipping and/or phantom votes were done. Phantom votes are more problematic because you have to have the siggy in the poll book. So more likely vote flipping. THey had to be careful because you can't have too many democrats voting for B*sh.
In Ohio and some parts of Florida neofascist B*sh team had some Loyals who rigged the tabulators, provided the ballots and either forged absentee/provisionals (do we keep the signatures on these?) or had pre-rigged ballots given to them. This was the hardest to pull off. How are signatures stored? I can't wait to see Ohio poll books. It better not be digital. One county had a Republican swipe the poll book. Went in and took it. Another had the democrats stuff stolen days before the election (needed inactive dem voters to give votes to B*sh???)
Then in solid blue/red precincts little "glitches" padded B*sh in tiny increments that look like they are part of the error rate for the tabulator. Little phantom votes with no ballot. Just a computer error, move along. Helps with his man date.
Then there was standard voter suppresion like stopping GOTV registrations, allocation of machines, maybe giving the bad machines to democrats. Most of that was smoke screen, but I hope the allocation problem explodes on Blackwell. And the usual throwing out of absentee/provisional and higher undervote/overvote rate of democratic precincts.
And there was the "accidental" having people in multi-precinct locations hand their ballot to the wrong Precinct in Ohio making their vote go to a 3rd party or B*sh when they meant for Kerry.
Also, one of the states is missing lots of votes. Nevada?