i haven't felt the Nixon analogy washes.
first, there was a strong feeling of Bi-partisan cooperation (ecept for house member trent lott, as i recall). the dems controlled the house and the senate, as i recall, but bent over backwards to be fair. this congress is created in the image of Newt Gingrich.
Second, a number of people sitting in these congressional seats have benfitted monetarily from the systems degradation.
third, people within the Nixon admin were morally outraged by his behaviour and fearful of his imminent psychological collapse- we were also without a VP for a while during that investigation, which made people very nervous about impeaching nixon.
fourth, at each level of the conspiracy, someone rolled over. James McCord on the breakin, Deep Throat on the big picture, dean on the coverup. Bushes have surrounded themselves with people loyal unto death. Name one person from any Bushes inner circle in the last three generations (inner circle) who has rolled on those nazi $$ laundering, traitorous multinational bandits. doesn't happen. Nixon was hated, the bushes are hated and feared. dead bodies start turning up when you get a little too close to the inner sanctum.
fifth, Nixon was isolated and plagued by his own demons. he was an intelligent, anti-social prick. Bush is isolated by his keepers, kept in the dark, but actually doesn't really give two flying rats asses about this country or democracy, or as best i can tell, christianity. at least nixon entered the service, even if he did spend his time as the quartermaster on some pacific island cheating sailors out of their pay with a going poker game and modest black market operation.
remember that the impeachment counts voted out of the house also included launching an illegal war in Cambodia, which actually carried a great deal of weight.
so ya think this congress would package an iraq impeachment resolution with a couple of illegal campaign manouvers? I doubt it. It will take another congress to move on this, one the dems have the majority in. the pugs won't really allow any official investigation at the congressional level for the next two years. So it will take a big bush screwup and a dem congress to even open the box on what happened this year, if impeachment is the way to go.
and i have doubts about the likelihood of a dem congress in 2006; since, in my opinion, dems missed the boat by not vigorously reframing the issue as one of enfranchisement from the month before the election until now.
finally, it was two investigative reporters and a paper with guts that was willing to take on Nixon. You won't find that combination of factors anywhere on this content these days.
bush will be outed. don't know when, don't know where.