Following is an excerpt of Messages from the Spirit of Matthew who died in an accident as a 17 year old boy in 1980 and started communicating to his mom Suzane since 1994 which resulted in many books (see link below).
"Yes, there is widespread disappointment among the population that didn’t want to see the Bush administration continue in office, but far stronger is their determination to more actively than ever before work toward the changes that are essential for the health of your planet. Their energy is not in the negativity of bemoaning loss, but in their positive resolve to bring about those changes for worldwide benefit. Further, the jubilation of the population that desires the Bush administration to continue its course is adding light just as surely. They genuinely feel that he means what he says about ending global terrorism and they feel at peace knowing that he retained his office. So, however divided the country’s people may be on the political issues and the election outcome, a greater brilliance of light is now being generated.
Along with this, I want to tell you the two crucial reasons that the outcome is far, far more advantageous than is logical for you to think. I say “logical to think” because so few are aware of what has been going on behind the scenes. Eventually the truth about the deception of the president and his cabinet throughout their years in control will come forth. When it does, the impact will be infinitely greater on a "sitting" administration than a former one. This is necessary so that Bush’s adherents will be shocked into reconsidering everything that has transpired under his leadership. They will realize that deliberately creating fear has been his intent and his power over them—they will be shaken out of their blindness and forced to start thinking more deeply than formerly.
The second reason is of equal importance. If Kerry had emerged the victor, his adherents—indeed, much of the world!—would have held great hope that his policies would lead to peace, to environmental protection, to greater economic stability, to kinder, more just treatment of those who, under the former presidency, were disenfranchised in many areas of basic needs and constitutional rights. That hope would not have been realized. None of the campaign promises would have come to fruition, and the dawning of that truth eventually would have led to despair and, added to the revelations about the former administration, the fact of total betrayal would have sent that nation to its knees. The divine plan, which you do know at soul level, is to have the progression of disclosures and new leaders with wisdom and spiritual integrity unfold in a more orderly fashion to avoid chaos and minimize governing disruption.""Too many of you still don’t see what is so essential—it’s going to take some doing on your part to straighten out the mess your world is in. Yes, other civilizations all over “space” are in this with you—you wouldn’t be alive there if they weren’t— but it is not their world, it is YOURS. They can’t just pull the strings they know would swiftly return my beloved Gaia to health and rouse all the sleepyheads into remembering who they really are. That isn’t their responsibility. It isn’t even their prerogative. However benevolent and powerful those light civilizations are, they can only help you —they cannot do it all. This is the law of the universe, not an arbitrary cut-off line.
Moreover, what you do affects the entire universe. You are putting out energy with every idea or action, and the motives behind those carry an intensity that most of you don’t understand. Energy is neutral in this—it acts only in accordance with what you attach to it, and that is determined by your motives and intentions. So not only do you have the choice to uplift your home planet or not, you have the choice to do the same for the universe." it energizes all of us to keep working for transparency, democracy and sustainability. Cheers!