But the protests are not just from the fringes any more.
... But just as McAuliffe insisted that the study was not intended "to contest the results of the 2004 election,” a slightly different message was coming from what remains of the Kerry-Edwards campaign in Ohio. Kerry's lead electoral attorney there, Daniel Hoffheimer, echoed the McAuliffe tone, noting "neither the pending Ohio recount nor this investigation is designed to challenge the popular vote in Ohio.”
But in another moment of perplexing tantalization from the Kerry camp, Hoffheimer also said, “while the election of the Bush-Cheney ticket by the Electoral College is all but certain..."
Thank you for that, Keith.
Now, about Mr. Madsen, I wish Mr. Olbermann would include Mr. Madsen's highly qualified background for investigative reporting. Mr. Olbermann has had many barbs tossed at him for his sports background vis-a-vis reporting on the tainted election. In all fairness, he should offer the courtesy to Mr. Madsen of explaining that he is not somebody who just fell off the turnip truck yesterday.
That being said, I'll still write him and thank him.