The Collier Brothers, and a lot of other investigators who suddenly decided to slit their own wrists, serve notice that exposing malfeasance and fraud a risky business.
Anyone who thinks that there is not an easier way to make a living than to try to penetrate the layer of active denial, apathy, ego, and envy to actually get something done has never actually tried.
The ONLY safty that these people have is to disappear and give up who they are or get the story our as far and wide as possible.
The LAST thing anyone EVER wants to have happen is to run smack up against this type of FRAUD by their employer.
The Lincoln Law also known as the Grassley Act, probably gives Curtis the right to sue on the Federal Government s's behalf, since the FDOT receives federal dollars. He would be entitled to whistle blower protection under the Federal Statute, which is called the Federal False Claims Act if the FDOT used federal dollars to pay for any of the programing.
But the False claims act does NOT allow federal employees or contractors to sue or protect federal employees or contractors from retaliation.
And yes they kill your dogs. Sundance, Bronze, I will see you again.