This may be our only opportunity to be able to exert some leverage and pressure to get the Voting Equipment impounded and the servers backtraced
The contact/info link for the Conyers Committee is: /
props to Rock The Vote in Ma for getting me this GRRR back Dawg
On this site, it lists all the Congress Persons on the committee,
and separates the Dems and Repunks
guess what, sleezy Feeney is on it
If you clik the Staff tab you can get the "Members" and "The Staff"
Below is a paper which I wrote presenting an argument for impounding the Equipment-
In it, I avoided using the Word Fraud and I tried to make the Manipulating Problem so that any PC owner could personnally relate to.
I faxed this Argument to ALL(each one separately) Democratic Staff
counsel members. As they are really the ones who do the work, I wanted a copy in each staff member's hands so that they could read it and think about it. The time is really ripe for this. I did not have time to send a copy to each Rep.
I originally wrote this to send to all the lawyers who have filed Election cases. I sent them all copies Monday, but I doubt that I will hear anything back. I figured that it would make a good argument in court.
I think that all of us should start a blitzkrieg campaign on the committee, staff and members, and maybe all Dem Congress People on
this. We HAVE to take advantage NOW of the Conyers Committee- don't let it shrink, make it expand
Let's Exploit it
Let's make an "IMPOUND THE MACHINES" Campaign NOW!!!
You can use my paper as a guide and take info from my last posting
Make this phrase common talk all over the Country
Let's make Conyers et al REAL AMERICAN HEROES
I purposely faxed an individual page to each person. I did not E-Mail, figuring it is just to easy to delete and/or forget
Maybe faxed pages are more lasting and have more impact
Be Creative
here's the Paper:
As computers have now become an integral and indispensable part of everyday life, on the business, private and legal levels, so have the basic fundamentals of how computers function have
become an intrinsic part of common and public knowledge . It is no longer a mystery or “Black Magic” to the average computer user as to how a computer functions. Any reasonably knowledgeable computer user knows that a computer functions and operates on software programs and hardware designed and written by other human beings, not by some magical or mystical entity.
Hence, a person who has written a software program is ultimately responsible for how a computer functions and what it produces, even if that is not the person who has entered the data into the computer. Any deviation, aberration, or anomaly produced or generated by a computer, is ultimately traceable back to the software programs and applications installed in the operating system of any given computer. No matter what the supplier of a computer claims that it will do, the result of a computer’s work will always be a direct result of what the programming inside controls it to do, irregardless of what a salesman claims
The fact that malicious programs and applications not only exist on a widespread basis, but are commonly surreptitiously and covertly installed on computers on a daily basis is an indisputable fact in this day and age. One only has to look at the Mega-Million dollar industry of Anti Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, and Firewall Software companies, such as Norton Symantec, McAfee, Sygate, Pest Patrol, Ad-Aware, and many others to confirm the obvious existence of such malicious software programs and applications. So pervasive and rampant is the covertly and surreptitiously installed malicious programs and applications on personnel computers, that probably at a minimum, 95% of all computer users have had malicious programs installed in their computers, without their knowledge and/or permission. And how does a computer user know that there is a malicious program installed and operating in their computers? Easy, ask ANY computer owner/user who has ever had to deal with this. The computer produces/generates and performs work inconsistent with its’ originally designed and programmed purpose. This aberrant and deviant computer behavior is ALWAYS the Prima Facie indication and evidence of the installation and operation of malicious software. And how does one confirm the existence of malicious software programs inside a computer? A computer expert, with knowledge of how programs are written and installed in a computer’s operation system, must be able to examine the software installed in that given deviant, aberrant producing computer. And, upon such forensic examination, a qualified and knowledgeable computer software expert will be able to locate the programming source and cause of the deviant, aberrant computer behavior. And, if the computer is being controlled by remote access intrusion, i.e. hacking, it is done through the Internet server which connects the computer to the rest of the internet, making it accessible by offsite computers. And how can this offsite access and control be verified, by backtracing the servers. Again through the use of forensic examination and investigation.
And, what does this have to do with the discrepancies, aberrations, illogical anomalies, and deviant vote count productions produced by the various Electronic Voting machines in this election? It goes directly to the basic, fundamental way a computer functions. That is, by the installation of software programs and applications written and installed by real persons into a computer which command and control what a computer does, how it does it, and what a computer produces. Therefore, the discrepancies, aberrations, and deviant vote count production produced by the Electronic Voting Machines in this election could only have been the direct result of malicious software programs and/or remote access intrusion and manipulation ( i.e. hacking) through the servers of the central tabulators purposely and intentionally installed by other persons. The discrepancies, aberrations, and deviations did not happen by happenstance, or by some capricious and unexplainable mystical act of a magical unknown nature. They were the direct result of a person or persons. To deny this, is to deny the scientifically proven facts of how computers function.
Being that these discrepancies, aberrations, and deviant vote count behaviors can ONLY be scientifically explained as the direct result of a person or persons’ intervention, we can only
assert that these discrepancies, aberrations, and deviant vote counts were caused by Intentional Criminal Felony Acts with intent to Commit Fraud and therefore the only way to properly investigate and verify the true source and cause of these criminal acts is to impound and analyze the Electronic Voting Equipment.
I have to thank all of you who responded on my last posting on this, you debated me and got me to thinking more on this, I got real good feedback from that dialogue.