It seems to me that the Republican strategy for Election 2004 looked something like this:
1. Rig everywhere. Steal as many votes as possible, in as many states as possible. Pad the popular vote in the large, safe states, to ensure the "mandate."
2. Evidence of fraud will come out slowly. Republicans like Blackwell and Hood will run out the clock. No significant fraud will be proven in time to stop the January 20 inauguration.
3. Once Bush is inaugurated, he cannot be impeached, no matter what evidence is found that he lost the election through fraud. Congressional redistricting has assured that, as has the corruption of the Supreme Court. Even if he were to be impeached or resign, he would be succeeded by another Republican.
4. No matter what fraud is uncovered and proved, nobody will go to jail or even be prosecuted. That is, nobody who is anybody. One or two heads may roll lower down, like that of a Brazilian or Russian national. So what? Many more died in New York and Iraq. Again, so what?
5. No real change will happen for future elections. There will still be minimal electoral reform, no open source code and no paper trail. Again, Congressional redistricting has ensured that.
6. In short, for the first time in American history, there is no established avenue to effect change and get rid of undesirable leadership. The Republicans have a lock on the process, and full immunity. They are beyond the law. The FBI is investigating. So what?
So go ahead, folks, complain! As Bob Dylan once said: "Two men died by the Mississippi moon. Somebody better investigate soon."
- Nina