I know this was posted here before, I apologize but I tried a search and couldn't find the thread. Check this out from rense.com:
http://www.rense.com/general59/weu.htm---For historical perspective, let us review what happened in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia when their November 2003 election results contrasted sharply with exit polls. Both the United States and Russia pressured the president, Eduard A. Shevardnadze, to resign. Compare that behavior to what has just happened in the United States. CNN changed its exit poll data to conform to counted vote numbers under the very eyes of Professor Freeman and other observers. Meanwhile the media do everything in their power to undermine the credibility of independent observers. Those who sound the alarm of voter fraud are summarily dismissed as conspiracy theorists and traitors of democracy.------
The US and Russia pressured the president of Georgia to resign because their exit polls contrasted sharply with the election results. Bush and the republicans is, are and always will be a bunch of hypocrites!