I found this quote of this online (sorry if its already been posted::
"Ohio's Secretary of State is coming out strong in support of Issue One, the measure that would ban same-sex marriage. Kenneth Blackwell spoke to an energized crowd at the Cathedral of Praise Tuesday night. Blackwell said it's time for people of God to take a stand. He even drew a comparison between same-sex couples and farm animals. "I don't know how many of you have a farming background but I can tell you right now that notion even defies barnyard logic ... the barnyard knows better," said Blackwell."
Also - this isn't hate speech but still telling - a speech at the right-wing Ashbrook Center on "Religious Liberty: The Most Precious of our Liberties":
http://www.ashbrook.org/events/lecture/2003/blackwell_speech.htmlIs it my imagination or is BLACKWELL getting chubbier by the day...
... must be stress... and twinkies :) tee-hee