First, the background information, and then, the questions after that (Note that all of this is presented and asked in the hope that somehow, there will be more votes for Kerry!):
People for the American Way (PFAW) filed suit on Nov. 26 in Cuyohoga County, OH...
<snip> ask that the arbitrary rules that have led to the rejection of thousands of provisional ballots in Cuyahoga County be overturned, that provisional ballots improperly rejected be counted, and that certain voters whose provisional ballots were rejected be notified and given a chance to make their votes count. The lawsuit includes several individual voters whose provisional ballots were improperly rejected even though they were registered to vote.
People For the American Way Foundation Vice President and Legal Director Elliot M. Mincberg noted that the rules and other practices had resulted in the rejection of more than 8,000 provisional ballots -- one of out three, according to a report in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, almost twice as high as the percentage in 2000. The bulk of the rejections came when voters’ names were not found on registration rolls.<unsnip>
The above was found on the People for the American Way website at: my questions:
1. What is the latest status of this lawsuit, and when is it anticipated that it will be resolved?
2. If the lawsuit is decided in favor of PFAW (the votes will be counted), does that mean that the decision will become a precedent, and thus, rejected provisional ballots in other counties will also have to be re-evaluated?
3. How many rejected provisionals are there in OH, overall? (Note that the amount of rejected ballots in Cuyohoga Co. was HUGE: out of 861,113 Registered Voters in Cuyohoga County, 8,099 provisionals were rejected. If the same rejection rate applied throughout OH, that is a LOT of votes.)
4. If the lawsuit is decided in favor of PFAW (the votes will be counted), and if the decision does form a precedent applied to the entire OH vote, how many of the formerly rejected provisionals are likely to go to Kerry? (As you can see, I am still hoping.)