Will he be asked to meet with Conyers, or any other Democrat of substance? Is he just a blip on the radar, or has his whistleblower story been debunked.
His story was probably the BIGGEST of the 2002 election season, yet Georgia got away with massive vote fraud potentially then and now.
"But back to Behler's account. At the warehouse, ABSS employee James Rellinger or another engineer would copy the patch using Behler's laptop, put it on memory cards, and use the the cards to boot up the machines. "These machines look at the card and then erase the flash, reprogram with whatever they said needed to be fixed." This is the apparent origin of the "rob-georgia" file which Beverly Harris found when she discovered Diebold's unprotected FTP site after the 2002 election. While it is a relief to find that the "rob" was apparently meant to refer to a name (Rob Behler) rather than a verb, the mass of contradictory statements surrounding it raises some rather serious questions. "