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Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids – Now! So lets get those who voted for

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sce56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 03:18 PM
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Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids – Now! So lets get those who voted for
Bushit to volunteer!
Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids – Now!
By David H. Hackworth
We’ll soon have 150,000 U.S. troops stuck in the ever-expanding Iraqi quagmire, a number that will probably grow even larger before Iraq holds elections presently scheduled for the end of January ’05.
Maintaining such a force is a logistical and personnel nightmare for every grunt in Iraq. And according to several Pentagon number crunchers, it’s also driving the top brass bonkers.
Meanwhile the insurgents continue cutting our supply lines and whacking our fighting platoons and supporters, who attrit daily as soldiers and Marines fall to enemy shots, sickness or accidents. Empty platoons lose fights, so these casualties have to be replaced ASAP.
Since this tragic war kicked off in March 2003, the United States has evacuated an estimated 50,000 KIA, WIA and non-battle casualties from Iraq back to the States – leaving 50,000 slots that have had to be filled.
The job of finding fresh bodies to keep our units topped off falls mainly to the Army Recruiting Command. But the “making-quota” jazz put out by the Recruiting Command and the Pentagon to hype their billion-dollar recruiting effort, with its huge TV expenditure and big expansion of recruiters during the past year, is pure unadulterated spin. Not that this is anything new. The Command has a sorry reputation for using smoke and mirrors to cover up poor performance.
“Hack, here’s a snapshot of how little of our 1st Quarter mission has been achieved,” says an Army recruiter. “Look at it from a perspective of a business releasing quarterly earnings information. To keep unit manning levels up out in the field, especially in Iraq, there’s no question our recruiting mission is in serious trouble.”
“These are totals for the 41 USAREC (Recruiting Command) Battalions, so these stats represent the USAREC mission accomplishment:
Regular Army Volume (all RA contracts):
Mission: 25,322
Achieved: 12,703 (50.17 percent)
Army Reserve Volume:
Mission: 7,373
Achieved: 3,206 (43.48 percent).”
The Army National Guard is faring no better. A Guard retention NCO says: “The word is out on the streets of Washington, D.C. ‘Do not join the Guard.’ I see these words echoing right across the U.S.A.”
By the end of this recruiting year, the Regular Army, Reserves and Guard could fall short more than 50 percent of its projected requirement, or about 60,000 new soldiers. And according to many recruiters, quality recruits are giving way to mental midgets who have a hard time telling their left foot from their right.
Shades of our last years in Vietnam.


Hack's Target

Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids – Now!

I feel that it is time for those who voted for Mr. Bush to go ahead and start sending their young ones on down to see the recruiters! That is what we need to do across this land send out the message that if you voted for the status quo , Bush- Cheney, then you need to back up that vote with your own blood our your children's! Just imagine if we were to get all of those people that voted for him to have to answer the call I think then we would get a true count of how many people actually voted for AWOL Bush. As for me I just marked my thirtieth year after ten of active retirement but still wondering if I might get that call back to duty. As it is I would wind up with my son since he has the same MOS that I had and is in the same unit I was in! Don't get me Wrong I feel that there is nothing Wrong with faithfully serving your country to defend it from our enemies I just don't feel we had real enemies in the people of Iraq until after we bombed and invaded them, They were glad to see Sadam go but now they have to wonder if they our better off now than back under Sadam!
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Florida_Geek Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 03:21 PM
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1. estimated 50,000 KIA, WIA and non-battle casualties
How high is this number.
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sce56 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 03:29 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That my friend is the part they don't want you to see just like those
Flag drapped coffins!
Casualties in Iraq
The Human Cost of Occupation
Edited by Michael Ewens :: Contact American Military Casualties in Iraq

Date Total In Combat

American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03): 1273 1002
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list) 1136 892
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 811 698
Since Handover (6/29/04): 412 370
American Wounded Official Estimated
Total Wounded: 9552 15000 - 20000
Latest Fatality December 5th, 2004
Page last updated 12/6/04 6:53 pm EDT
Put a Casualty Counter on Your Website
Other Coalition Troops 145
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan 146
Iraqi Body Count IBC
American Civilian Casualties
Sources: DoD, CentCom and

Daily DoD Casualty Release

The Faces The List Sources American Casualties Iraqi Casualties Contact

The Wounded

The wounded numbers above reflect the official count as released by the U.S. military. However, there are other estimates that 12,000 soldiers have been treated for illness, non-combat injury and combat injury since March of 2002.

Casualties Increase (MSNBC)

The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center has been a fixture on America's military landscape for more than five decades, serving as midway point for wounded troops returning home for treatment.

Since President Bush declared Iraq combat operations over in May 2003, nearly 3,000 servicemen and women have been wounded in action. More than half that number did not return to duty, reflecting the high number of combat casualties, and serious nature of injuries, from Iraq.

This week, as U.S. forces battled insurgents and a fierce Shiite uprising, the upsurge in violence has reverberated here in Germany. Hospital officials say there has been a dramatic increase in patients.

"I'm trying to catch up with all the new arrivals," said Army Chaplain Richard Ross.

.::A Running Log of the Wounded::.

UPI reports :

As many as 1 of every 10 soldiers from the war on terror evacuated to the Army's biggest hospital in Europe was sent there for mental problems.

Between 8 and 10 percent of nearly 12,000 soldiers from the war on terror, mostly from Iraq, treated at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany had "psychiatric or behavioral health issues," according to the commander of the hospital, Col. Rhonda Cornum.

That means about 1,000 soldiers were evacuated for mental problems.

The hospital has treated 11,754 soldiers from the war on terror, with 9,651 from Iraq and the rest from Afghanistan, according to data released by the hospital.

Also see The Missing Wounded.

American Count

Dates and sources of Americans killed in Iraq since 5/1/03 are documented in this file. Admittedly the file is incomplete, for the Department of Defense does not maintain old records. All data was compiled from If something is amiss in the data collection, please contact Michael Ewens.

Iraqi Civilian Count

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mainer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 09:21 PM
Response to Original message
3. needs to also be posted in Discussion board!
This is a great editorial!
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