Just so everyone knows, you shouldn't hit reply when you get an email from the DNC.
I am not sure that replies to the mailer address will go through and get read.
Hell, I'm not sure they get read when you send them the right way, which is to go to the Contact Us link at www.Democrats.org.
The following is my response to Chairman McAuliffe's letter:
Response to Chairman McAuliffe's message...
Mr. Chairman,
It is simply not enough to promise to reform the system next time. Votes were manipulated this time. Polling places were not adequately facilitated in our precincts this time.
You may think Election 2004 is over, but it is not over. Ohio must be contested. You may be content to relax and wait for 2008 to help Hillary Clinton run for office, but I'm not convinced that there will be a 2008 election after 4 more years of George W. Bush.
We know the Republicans stole this election. The vote totals they got in precincts all over Ohio are unbelievable. The intentional lack of voting machines in our neighborhoods was disgraceful.
I stood up for you when everyone I knew blamed you for the 2002 mid-terms. I said, "Terry McAuliffe is the only fighter I see on our side lately, the only guy who hates George Bush as much as I do."
What happened to that guy? Are you going to let them get away with it?
No more money for the DNC ever unless you guys start fighting and Dean is your successor. Have a nice day.