Let's stick to Terry McAuliffe for the moment. This is the person who was in charge--the chief representative of the Democratic leadership--who allowed this utterly fraudulent, rightwing Republican-controlled ELECTION SYSTEM to be put in place!
How COULD he have allowed this to happen, without screaming bloody murder about it?!
Rightwing Republicans owning the entire voting system. People who were Bush "Pioneers." People who admitted in writing their intention to "deliver" the '04 vote to Bush. Keeping their electronic vote tabulation machine source code a proprietary secret. Insisting on no paper trail.
I mean, you look at it and you think: "Hu-u-u-u-u-u-uhhhhh?!?!"
It looks like Democratic Party suicide!
What is worse, they didn't warn the voters. They didn't make it a campaign issue. They let Tom Delay get away with blockading the paper trail provision. And on and on. It's just astonishing.
It is the most catastrophic failure of political leadership that I have ever seen.
And Terry McAuliffe owes us and all Kerry voters an apology for this!
As for the vote suppression--especially the disgusting, unconsionable suppression of black voters in OH and FLA--I will say that the Democrats were there--with monitors, lawyers, support. That they couldn't stop it is not their fault, it was so pervasive. They could have screamed louder about it, though. And come January, when this matter gets to Congress and we have that "F9/11" scene once again, the Democratic Senators had better BE THERE FOR THE BLACK VOTERS, or it's all over for them, in my book anyway.
Which brings me to Kerry. I refuse to judge him yet. It's not over yet. And he's in a very dicey and dangerous position. But I have a dream...
When those black House members approach the Senate once again, this January, with their petition NOT to certify the Ohio (and possibly also the FLA) vote, and need only ONE Senator to sign it--and remembering that in 2000, they could not get a single Senatorial signature--that THIS TIME it will be different, that the first Senator to arise and sign it will be John Kerry, that the second Senator to arise and sign it will be John Edwards, and then ALL Democratic Senators will follow, and maybe even a few Republicans.
That's my dream. I think Martin Luther King would smile down from Heaven. And the whole nation would burst into tears.
So much grief, so much sorrow, over the decades. So much pettiness and meanness. So many lies. So many lynchings and rapes and beatings. So much death. And so much more now--tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths in Iraq. So many MORE lies. So much MORE meanness, greed, thievery, and hypocrisy.
THIS nightmare will be over--if Kerry steps forward on that day and signs that petition. And it won't matter at all whether he can convince this fraudulently elected Congress to put him in the White House. Because it will be over, over, OVER, and everyone who matters--especially the majority who voted for Kerry--will realize it. The nightmare is over!
I keep remembering that poor, elderly black women I saw standing in a ten hour line in the freezing rain, aiming to throw Bush out of office and put a decent, intelligent man in his place. I want to see her vindicated. That's my dream. She knows it isn't about whether you win or lose. It's about who you are. It's about soul. Courage. Love. REAL American values.