I was reviewing the Ohio exit poll detail and noticed a couple interesting things there. <
http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/OH/P/00/epolls.0.html> The first is about the late deciding vote. There seems to be an impression that the late vote must have broken for Bush because otherwise the projections of Sam Wang and others would have been true. But that is not the case, of the 9 percent who decided in "the last 3 days or today" (Nov. 2), it broke 62 to 38 for Kerry. Almost at the hypothetical two-thirds incumbent rule, which Wang discussed. Of the ones (91%) who decided more than 3 days before the election, Bush won 53 to 47. (Remember this is the "final" CNN exit poll that some say was changed just before the last report.)
In terms of size of community, I think the samples must be goofed up but the one that is big enough for there to be a good sample is the Suburban vote. Bush won but only 51 to 49. This constitutes 49 percent of the sample. I'm not quite sure what the poll considers suburbs but it seems like the "official" results would put Bush at a much higher percentage than that.
OK, and then the regional poll. It divides the state up into 5 regions. I tried to match the regions as best I could and I think these are pretty close. The Central region, including Columbus and the southeast, broke much more towards Kerry (6%) than what the exit poll suggested. This can probably be explained by the massive turnout in Columbus which the exit pollsters did not plan for in their design. The southwest broke about 3.5% more towards Bush, but some of this discrepancy can probably be explained by a larger than expected turnout for Bush in the Miami valley. This is probably within the margin of error anyway.
But then there is the northwest. The exit poll says that the NW broke for Kerry 52 to 47. The final results show that the NW broke for Bush 56 to 43! What's up with that?! Maybe the pollsters had a small sample or a bad sample - but as a rule, you don't put results out there that are that unreliable. There are a bunch of these that appear suspicious to me, Sandusky, Auglaize, Mercer, Richland, Van Wert, Allen, Putnam, Wood, but I will follow up later on specific counties. Here's the data
Cuyahoga County (12%) 35% 65%
Northeastern Ohio (27%) 50% 50%
Central Ohio (20%) 58% 40%
Northwestern Ohio (15%) 47% 52%
Southwestern Ohio (26%) 55% 45%
This is the data that I came up with, using official updated results
Cuyahoga County (12%) 33% 67%
Northeastern Ohio (27%) 47% 52%
Central Ohio (20%) 52% 47%
Northwestern Ohio (15%) 56% 43%
Southwestern Ohio (26%) 58% 41%
List of Counties in NW Ohio (Kerry%, Bush%)
Allen 33% 66%
Auglaize 26% 74%
Crawford 36% 64%
Defiance 38% 62%
Erie 53% 46%
Fulton 37% 62%
Hancock 29% 70%
Hardin 37% 63%
Henry 34% 66%
Huron 41% 58%
Logan 32% 68%
Lucas 60% 40%
Marion 41% 59%
Mercer 24% 75%
Ottawa 48% 52%
Paulding 37% 63%
Putnam 23% 76%
Richland 40% 60%
Sandusky 44% 56%
Seneca 41% 59%
Union 29% 70%
Van Wert 28% 72%
Williams 35% 65%
Wood 46% 53%
Wyandot 34% 66%