Election Fraud Ignored By Kerry
http://www.coastalpost.com/04/12/02.htmAnd there is more...
There were 93,000 more votes than voters in Cayuhoga county alone in Ohio, discovered by Teed Rockwell of Sonoma State University by examining the county's official election website.
If the normally accurate exit polls didn't match the final results, if Democrat majority precincts voted Republican, that's just because Bush lovers are shy, retiring folk who've never changed their Democrat registration while voting Republican since Nixon. The NY Times and the Boston Globe in their debunking articles did admit there were some minor flaws in the process.
Their final conclusion- Just Get Over It! Bush and his dark lord K. Rove pulled millions more out of their pews to stop Gay Marriage and Keep America Safe from Wolves and Flip Floppers. That's the Story! Now go and dialogue with those people to make it all nice and avoid tearing the country apart.
Harris has been a major force in raising public awareness of the many flaws in Diebold computer voting software through her website and media interviews. The elections office knew they were coming for these public records, but gave them unsigned printouts that were dated November 15th .
Over the next two days Harris and FFE members found reams of the original, signed poll tapes in the garbage bags and dumpster of the election office. Comparing the original tapes they had with the printouts the Volusia county election board presented to the state for the official vote count, they found the numbers to be off by hundreds in each precinct, all of them favoring Bush. That's a major crime.