Carteret, NC lost 4000 votes due to a problem with their Unilect machines. No way to retrieve the votes. David Dill called it the worst problem in the country.
They will revote -- anyone whose vote did not register (unclear how they know?) or who did not attempt to vote the first time, gets to vote again.
Carteret County voters to get second chance December 01,2004
Barry Smith
Freedom Raleigh Bureau
Sun Journal RALEIGH - Carteret County residents whose votes were lost by a computer - along with others who did not vote on Nov. 2 - will get another opportunity to cast their ballots.
The State Board of Elections on Tuesday voted to hold a special election in the county for the agriculture commissioner's race. The date for the election has not been set. Votes from the special election would be added to those who voted on Nov. 2 and others whose early voting ballots were recorded by the UniLect voting equipment.
Carteret County Says It's Ready For New Election3:05 pm EST December 1, 2004 RALEIGH -- An election official in Carteret County said the county will be prepared to let up to 24,000 people vote in a special election in January to determine the next agriculture commissioner.
The election was ordered by the state Board of Elections because the lost votes are greater than the 2,287-vote lead Republican Steve Troxler currently has over Democratic incumbent Britt Cobb.