Pages 11 & 12 are crucial...
Automatic tabulating equipment recount procedures....
(5) The board must randomly select as many whole precincts as necessary
in order to equal at least 3% of the total vote cast for the office, question, or issue
being recounted. The board then must manually recount the ballots for the
selected precincts.
(6) The board or the designated teams must recount the ballots from the
randomly selected precincts using automatic tabulating equipment.
(7) If the automatic tabulating equipment count of the ballots from the
randomly selected precincts does not match their manual count, a second manual
count of those ballots must be conducted. If the automatic tabulating equipment
count does not match the second manual count, all the ballots for the county must
be manually recounted. But, if, the automatic tabulating equipment count matches
the second manual count, the remainder of the ballots for the county must be
recounted and tallied using the automatic tabulating equipment. (see footnote 4)
(8) After the recount is concluded, the automatic tabulating equipment
must be retested using the same pre-audited test deck.
Direct recording electronic voting machine recount proceduresThe bill requires a board of elections, or the teams of employees it
designates to recount ballots, in a county that uses direct recording electronic
voting machines, to do all of the following in conducting a recount of the ballots
voted on those machines (sec. 3515.044): ( see footnote 5)
(1) Check the public counters and protective counters to verify that the
numbers on those counters correspond with the pollbook, poll list, or signature
pollbook records;
(2) Check the rotation on those machines to verify that they match the
proper candidates, questions, or issues;
(3) Process cartridges through the tabulator;
(4) Compare cartridge totals against the paper audit trail report, if the
tabulator totals for the recount differ from the totals of the official count.
The bill does not specify how ballots should be recounted if the first manual count
matches the automatic tabulating equipment count. Presumably, if those counts match,
the ballots must be recounted in the same manner as if the second manual count had
matched the automatic tabulating equipment count--by automatic tabulating equipment.
The bill does not define "direct recording electronic voting machines," such that it is
unclear which particular types of voting machines would require recounts to be
conducted under the procedures established in section 3515.042 for voting machines
generally, and which types of voting machines would require recounts to be conducted
under the procedures of section 3515.044 for direct recording electronic voting