Are you ready to continue to insist on counting every vote when you are called crazy, unpatroitic, unreliable, delusional, pathetic, selfish, wasteful, sorelooser? If you don't fear dirision, then Rove has no power over you.
I think Rove is busy. I have a fantsy that not everyone in the CIA does is a BushBot. I have a fantsy but I am not counting on James Bond or Santa Clause. I think the Freepers will get ugly really soon, unless a mirical happens and they realize if we keep on the path that Bushie has set out it will take 2 bucks to buy a Euro, and their million dollar houses are going to be worth 300,000 by September when the Fed had to raise the interest rate on Government paper to finance Bushie's consumption deficit.
Maybe they are going to realize that Kerry is their financial hope. But I don't count on it.
Are you ready to pick your detractors up and wipe them off and move them out of your way so you can go on about saving the country for your children and theirs while they scream at you. Are you ready to be swift of foot an mind and determined of spirit? Are you ready to ignore the namecalling and work to bring honor back again, to define integrity, strength, fairness, justice, mercy, and compassion, fun and the presuit of silly happiness through our deeds again, instead of as just hollow words?
To take back our country we each have a part to play as best we can. Lets give Rove the Rasberry and a high five to all our tin foil conspiritors.
You know Yankee Doodle was NOT a complimentary song when the British sang it about the Yanks. The fact that we picked it up and made it an anthem showes something we share with the Austrailians about the irreverance of our character. So I will make myself a tin foil hat badge and wear it with pride while we sing silly songs and save a nation.