Does a bear....
No seriously, during the campaigns 'on line polls' were a big thing. We could see over and over again the same pattern. As soon as our friends over at Free Republic found out about a poll, the poll would suddenly shift in their favor. On numerous occasions, they even bragged about doing this sort of thing and posted instructions on their forum about how to delete your cookies so you can vote multiple times.
Then on November 2nd, during the most important poll of all, it happened again. When the polls opened and throughout the day it appeared that Kerry was heading for decisive win. Then as soon as Rove got back to the WH that evening, after stopping off in Ohio, suddenly the tide did a 360 and the election began to be freeped. Just a little last minute tweaking here and there is all it would take. When the polls closed, the results were transmitted via modem to the tabulators at the local DOE offices. At that point the data was wide open to outside hacking and a hacking they did go.