In response to his letter to Conyers. Mitofsky,
It has recently come to my attention that after being requested to release your raw exit poll data by Congressman John Conyers, you have refused. I read your letter. In fact, now that it is posted online, I’m sure that millions have laid their eyes upon your dubious answer.
I’m nothing…only a concerned citizen. As your response makes it very clear to me (along with everybody else who may have read your response)…I do not matter. The voters do not matter. America does not matter. You have a chance to silence the critics, yet you refuse. I understand your story of, “The data are proprietary information gathered and held for the benefit of those news organizations, and I am not at liberty to release them”, but you do know what that translates to the people that the “news organizations” serve, don’t you? It says, “Screw you…you didn’t pay. My revenue is more important than those piss-ants (i.e. American citizens, Democracy as a whole).”
You have now not only NOT helped to answer any of the numerous questions that a growing number of Americans have, you have added to the list:
“What is wrong with the raw data? Why does he REALLY refuse to release it? What is he hiding? Is Mitofsky corrupt?”
Sir, you have flamed the fires over possible voting irregularities. Your action cannot be redeemed by simply saying, “I am the expert here. You know not of what you speak.”, because until you release the data, you will continue to be seen as an obstructer of the truth. A snake oil salesmen.
And you don’t even realize that you are making your own source of livelihood obsolete. Now that the “news organizations” that you serve have sold you out and announced to the population that your work was/is wrong, what do you think your credibility will be in the future? Half of America now believes that you and your work are useless. That you and your type provide invalid work. Mr Mitofsky, you and I both know that exit polls are the first red flags for fraud. But your actions are changing that in this country. For this year…and every year beyond this election. What you are doing is removing the one major indicator that helps keep elections honest. You may be old. But I am young. I hope to have children. What hope will they have?
Mr Mitofsky, it is time that you step up like the long line of great Patriots in our history. Step up, Mr Mitofsky, and right what you know is a great injustice.
Thank You,
Crap? Or Golden?
Why don't you let him know how you feel.