his organization will be represented at Conyers forum on now on CSPAN.
Washington, DC: C-Span 1 and Radio Pacifica will carry a live broadcast,
Wednesday, of the Congressional forum held by Rep. John Conyers, Jr.
regarding election irregularities in the pivotal state of Ohio during the
2004 Presidential election. Radio Pacifica affiliates will broadcast the
forum as part of the Andrea Lewis Show beginning at 10 AM eastern time, and
it will be streamed live on the internet at www.pacifica.org
http://www.pacifica.orgn > and www.kpfa.org <
http://www.kpfa.org > . In
addition, NBC and MSNBC and numerous other media outlets will be covering
the forum.
Testimony and other material concerning the hearing can be accessed at the
House Judiciary Committee Democratic website,
http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/index.html . <
http://www.house.gov >
This site will be updated continuously Tuesday and Wednesday. Interested
parties can submit questions they wish to be addressed at the forum at:
http://www.house.gov/judiciary_democrats/contact.html > .
WHAT: "Preserving Democracy - What went wrong in Ohio?"
WHEN: Wednesday, December 8th @ 10:00am
WHERE: 2237 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
WHO: Members: Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Rep. Robert
Scott, Rep. Melvin Watt, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Robert Wexler
Witnesses: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Founder Rainbow Push Coalition;
Ralph Neas, President, People For the American Way; Prof. Robert
Fitrakis, Editor, The Free Press; Cliff Arnebeck, Arnebeck Associates;
Steve Rosenfeld, Senior Producer, Air America Radio;
David Cobb, Green Party Nominee 2004 Presidential Candidate; Jon
Greenbaum, Director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers Committee For Civil
Rights Under Law; Ellie Smeal, Executive Director, The Feminist Majority;
John Bonifaz, General Counsel, National Voting Institute; Prof. Steve
Freeman, University of Pennsylvania; Shawnta Walcott, Communications
Director, Zogby International.