I think that Senator Byrd is FAR and Away our Best bet to be the one Senator to Sign up and Contest the Election. Byrd meets all the criteria, as he is outspoken, tough, he hates Bush, and He's an Elder Statesmen who is too old to be intimidated or worried about his career being threatened. I sent Senator Byrd the Below letter, asking him to support the GAO investigation and to contest the Election. But the more people that contact him the better ! Here's the letter : Dear Senator Byrd, I am asking you to please come to the aid of the Brave 13 Congressional Representatives who have called for the GAO to Investigate the many documented errors, questionable results, and evidence of Voter Disenfranchisement, Voter intimidation, and an insufficient number of working voting machines in many polling places, that occurred in this months Presidential Election. However, there can be no investigation, and the Country will never get to the truth of whether there was election fraud on November 2nd, unless at least One United States Senator is willing to add his or her name to the list of House Members making this request, and state officially that the American People deserve answers to the many below questions that have been raised regarding the reported election results on Nov. 2nd. Please consider the below overwhelming Statistical Evidence indicating that the Computer Voting software may have been manipulated to alter the reported results, and to tip some decisive swing states to Mr. Bush, in the recent Election: I) Statistical Probability that Election Fraud occurred based upon Historically Reliable Exit Polls vs. Computer Voting results is conservatively estimated at over 99 percent probable by Research experts and Polling professionals. Dr. Steven Freeman of the Univ. of Pennsylvania has recently released a research paper that puts the chance of exit poll statistical anomalies being off, to the degree that reported Computer voting totals suggest, at a mere 1 in 662,000. In "The Unexplained Exit Poll Discrepancy," Dr. Steven F. Freeman, who has a PH. D from MIT and whose expertise lies in Research Methods, states : "As much as we can say in social science that something is impossible, it is impossible that the discrepancies between predicted and actual vote counts in the three critical battleground states of the 2004 election could have been due to chance or random error." The odds of those exit poll statistical anomalies occurring by chance are 662,000 to one. Dr. Freemans's Research paper can be read in it's entirety at : http://www.ilcaonline.org/freeman.pdf Dr. Freeman can be contacted via his email address that appears at the above PDF file, or via the email address of sf@alum.mit.edu Professor Freeman concludes the research paper with this: "Systematic fraud or mistabulation is a premature conclusion, but the election's unexplained exit poll discrepancies make it an unavoidable hypothesis, one that is the responsibility of the media, academia, polling agencies, and the public to investigate." In addition to Dr. Freeman's study of the Voting Anomalies, the below website is a links to a similar study done by the UC Berkeley research security team on this issue. The UC Berkeley research team concluded that the probability of fraudulent Reported Election results were over 99 % : http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/new_web/VOTE2004/election04_WPwappendices.pdf Professor of Mathematics David Anick, formerly of MIT, did an in-depth study of the discrepancies between exit poll results in Swing States, and the Voting totals reported in those states, and Prof. Anick concluded that the chances of the exit polls being as wrong as the reported vote totals would indicate, are only 1 in 50,000. A comprehensive Master List of the voting problems documented in the recent Presidential Election, including links to Scholarly analysis done of the Computer Voting totals can be found at : http://shadowbox.i8.com/stolen.htm
II) How could Computer Voting Fraud have been committed and was it feasible? Please see the below demonstration of how Computer Votes could have been manipulated, in a 4 Step demonstration, using Diebold's own GEM operating system software, from Chuck Herrin , a certified Microsoft Systems Engineer and IT auditor : http://www.chuckherrin.com/hackthevote.htm III) Suspects : Is there any reason to be suspicious of the Computer Voting companies? No less than 5 of Diebold's developers are convicted felons, including Senior Vice President Jeff Dean, who tops the list with his twenty-three counts of felony Theft in the First Degree. Mr. Dean was convicted of all 23 felony counts of theft in the First degree by - and this should raise Red Flags to any objective person - planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection.
The above information comes from Case File No. 89-1-04034-1 (State of Washington ): So we have someone who pleaded guilty to 23 counts of embezzlement, who is given the position of Senior programmer of the (Diebold) GEMS central tabulator system that counts approximately 50 percent of the votes in the (Bush-Kerry) election, in 30 states, using both paper ballot and touch screen machines. And while Felons are not allowed to vote in the United States, they are allowed to write the software that is used to count millions of the votes for the United States Presidential Election. And their software is proprietary, with reported results that cannot be verified by a paper audit trail , since none exists. Both ES & S and Sequoia, the other 2 main Computer Voting companies, also have a track record of criminal behavior, which can easily be verified by checking the legal histories of these companies. IV) Bullet point summation of the most serious 2004 Presidential Vote total errors found so far : In addition to the 57,000 Voter complaints concerning Voter disenfranchisement, broken down or insufficient voting machines, received by People for the American Way, below is a bullet point summary of some of the most serious Presidential Election errors found so far, which are almost certainly just the tip of a large iceberg : -The almost 4,000 votes awarded to Bush in Columbus, Ohio, reported by the AP, which was only noticeable because more votes were recorded in the precinct than there were registered voters. -Apx. 4,500 votes lost in one North Carolina county. -3,000 phantom votes were added by a Nebraska "vote tabulator" which doubled the votes. -22,000 North Carolina votes which later had to be added because the computer initially discarded them due to system overload. -A glitch in San Francisco computers which caused many votes to be uncounted. -Florida's anomalous results where only districts with touch screen voting had disproportionate votes for Bush than expected. This analysis has since been duplicated by a UC Berkeley professor and others. -AP reports in Florida and Ohio of voters who stated when using touchscreens, when they selected "John Kerry," that instead "George Bush" would appear on the screen. -Long lines in urban Ohio areas, to the point where voters left in frustration after 8 or so hours. -21 voting machines in Broward County, Florida, malfunctioned, eliminating prior votes that had been cast on them in this most-Democratic county in the state. -Warren County, Ohio's, refusal to allow independent monitoring of vote counting based on a terrorist incident which turned out later to not exist. - Machines in Oklahoma counted BACKWARDS for Kerry, with a net result of Sen Kerry losing 37,982 votes to the ES&S Optech Machines. During the same time period President Bush gained 393,825 votes. See this newspaper for confirmation of above Oklahoma problem http://okimc.org/newswire.php?story_id=344 -Malfunctioning vote cassettes in Palm Beach, FL. -Boxes of absentee votes discovered after the election in a Broward County election office. - In Cleveland, Heavily Democratic wards, such as Precinct 6-C and precinct 13-F, reported less than 20 % turnout, despite record turnout in most cities : V) Conclusion : - Means, Opportunity, and Criminal Track Record exist, justifying an Investigation into a matter of this importance
The above facts show that the Means, the Opportunity, and a Criminal track record of those involved in writing the Computer Voting Software all exist, and these 3 points taken together, along with the vast discrepancy between historically accurate Exit poll data and the reported Computer voting results in swing states, point to a very strong possibility that Fraud did occur on a massive and significant scale in this months Presidential Election. At the very least, an independent investigation is needed to look into these serious matters, not only to be sure who the winner of the last election was, but also to insure that our Election voting procedures are safe, accurate, secure, and fair for future elections in our Country. Please make sure that Future Generations will have the sacred American right to vote and to be sure there vote is recorded accurately, by supporting the members of Congress who have called for an Investigation. I'd like to finish by saying that it would be a great tragedy if the citizens of the Ukraine are allowed to have a recount to verify that their recent National Elections were valid , while the citizens of the United States, the greatest Democracy on Earth, are not granted that same right. Do the Ukrainians have more Courage and more fighting spirit to keep their newly won Democracy, than we Americans have ? Does the Ukrainian opposition party have more Courage and dedication to Democracy and to a Just and Fair Election than the leadership of the Democratic Party has here in America, which was the Democratic model and Ideal that inspired so many foreign people, including the ex Soviet satellites, to cast off their Tyrannical governments, so that they could become Democracies themselves? Can it be that America, the Beacon of Democracy, is a nation where their President is decided by an election where the votes are counted, using propiertary software, by 3 corporations that have both criminal records and heavy financial ties to the Republican Party, and of whom one of their CEO's, Walden O'Dell openly boasted that he would deliver the Electoral Votes of Ohio to Mr. Bush ? Where is the Democratic Senate Leadership at this time ? When will the Democratic Party reclaim their courage and Leadership, and stand up and Demand a just, and verifiable Vote count in America, without disenfranchisement? Please Senator Byrd. I beg you on behalf of the Brave American Troops who will no doubt die unnecessarily in Iran, if Mr. Bush is allowed to steal this election, and resume his reckless agenda of preemptive military strikes, which only further cripple our armed forces, provide propaganda recruitment to Al Qaieda, create more enemies and more terrorists, and damage the relationship with our allies. Your service to your Country has been Honorable. Please now take a stand once more, and help our Country end this long national nightmare of fear mongering, deceit, and subversion of our Constitution, by aiding those Brave Congressional Representatives who are calling for an investigation into the overwhelming questionable report vote totals in several key swing states, especially Ohio and Florida. The Ukrainian Parliament has just taken steps to demand a new election in their country, after the widespread fraud that occurred there. Do not American Citizens, deserve at least the same rights as Ukrainians to a Fair and Verifiable election ? I await your reply. Sincerely and in Love of Our Country and It's Democracy,