i.e., with and without absentees? Or the initial post-election data before absentees (etc.) were counted?
The charts I had done on Florida (see below) showed a strong linear relationship for Florida Sequoia-machine counties (with a 10% offset compared to 2000 votes). But this was data from just a few days after the election. A week after the election, Palm Beach added many votes to the totals (absentees, I assume) which makes the chart appear much less linear.
Likewise, preliminary data for California looks more interesting than than official results.
Data before absentees are added is more interesting to me from the point of view of looking for possible indicators of voting machine manipulation. I.e., if the tabulator program was altered to shift 5% from one candidate to another, this may show up more clearly than it will after absentees are added in.
I would like to produce similar charts for all states, or many more states, but it is difficult to find 'interim' counts from the states. Was it captured or collected anywhere?