.......did nothing to "break this thing wide open". The film in and of itself
proves nothing. It's the poll tapes themselves that offer the evidence of attempted fraud. The video evidence is meaningless unless it is combined with enough other evidence to prevail in a court case. The rest of the evidence to make the complete fraud allegations stick is still being fought for.
I don't know what you expect to happen if the video is shown. Do you really expect the cavalry to come running to save the day? The FBI, CIA, FDLE, or John Ashcroft's Justice Department perhaps? Don't hold your breath while waiting. Just look around at all of the other evidence that has been shown in public that
points to fraud, but doesn't quite make the full case for it. How many other investigations have local or Federal officials started based on that
incomplete evidence? Zero, zilch, zip, nada, none. :(
Why do you think
this one piece of evidence will somehow get a
different response?
Are you serious with this next question? :shrug:
"So how can she not own or have access to video where she is the main person filmed on the video? Explain that.That question is so silly on it's face that it's hardly deserving of an answer, but I'll try anyway. :)
If YOU shoot it YOU own it. The people from votergate.tv
own the film and all rights to it. Bev Harris acting in her role as the Executive Director of a registered 'non-profit' corporation constitutes a 'public figure', and as such, can't stop anyone from filming or taping her
official actions done in public. If, as alleged by some here, she's only in it for money or her own self promotion, She blew her big chance. She
could have negotiated a contract with the producers for a cut of the profits or creative control in exchange for guaranteed access to everything happening behind the scenes. She obviously did not do that because she's there to
audit the election. Votergate.tv is there to
make a documentary. They are two different entities there with two different goals. One has NO CONTROL over the actions of the other.
If the law allowed a public figure to to dictate how every image of themselves is used, how long do you think the Fahrenheit 911 movie would have been? Think about it. If the pResident himself can't control how footage of himself hanging with his Saudi buddies, that he never authorized, gets used against him in a movie, what makes you believe Bev Harris can exercise such power over others work?
That explain it for ya? :shrug:
Why would any third-party film company miss the opportunity of a lifetime to show this video on Countdown? "Opportunity of a lifetime" you say? Get real! Do you have a clue as to how relatively small K.O.'s audience really is? Do you know who they are?
http://www.oreilly-sucks.com/politics/cablenewsratings.htmCable News Ratings For Tuesday 9-7-04 -
FNC: Total day: 1,141,000 -- Primetime: 2,735,000 / Hume: 1,677,000 / Shep: 1,783,000 / O'Reilly: 3,325,000 / H&C: 2,880,000 / Greta: 1,998,000
CNN: Total day: 558,00 -- Primetime: 998,000 / Cooper: 514,000 / Zahn: 765,000 / King: 1,288,000 / Brown: 941,000
MSNBC: Total day: 228,000 -- Primetime: 382,000 / Matthews: 502,000 /
Olbermann: 466,000 / Norville: 310,000 / Scarborough: 370,000
His audience is less than half a million people. And they're people who are already on board and aware of the issue. He could show the video but to what practical advantage?
No one is going to come running to save the day because of it and it may even damage it's potential use as actual evidence in court. If the defendants in a future fraud case successfully argue that it be thrown out because airing it was "prejudicial and inflammatory" to their case, you have not only derived no extra help fighting your case but have actually weakened it. Sounds like a pretty stupid move to me.
To put it in perspective, Bev got a 17,000 word article titled "Hack the Vote" in Vanity Fair Magazine in April of this year. Their domestic circulation is over 2 1/2 times Olbermans audience. In May, Bev made Time Magazine with an article called "The Vexations of Voting Machines". (May 3rd issue) Time's circulation is over 4.1 million copies on average,
almost 9 times Keith's audience.
Congratulations, you have successfully been duped into believing that
the video and
Olberman are what's important rather than the very real job of getting the Florida elections officials to obey the law and provide the requested audit materials that can be used to build an actionable case for fraud. In demanding that things be done your way, you actually harm the very efforts you profess to care so much about.
Methinks you doth protest too much. :evilgrin: