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To the media:
On December 8, Rep. John Conyers hosted a congressional forum in which verifiable evidence of vote suppression and compelling indications of vote manipulation in Ohio were detailed by panels of witnesses. One witness who previously served as an international elections inspector recounted incidents in Ohio that would never have been permitted in El Salvador’s elections. Yet we ignore these disturbing reports from within our own borders?
C-SPAN and several radio stations carried the forum live. Concurrently, mainstream media covered stories such as Basketbrawl, Martha Stewart’s incarceration and Scott Peterson’s sentencing hearing. One day later, a search on CNN.com returns no hits regarding this forum and the only mention at MSNBC.com is on Keith Olbermann’s blog. ABC.com has a short story, but the headline does not appear on their home page.
I am baffled by the media silence and appalled by the republican absence in this critical moment in American democracy. This may well be the least partisan yet most important issue facing our nation today. We cease to function as a representative republic when we cannot guarantee that the will of the people has been upheld. I urge the media to begin full and prominent coverage of the investigations into the 2004 election and the process to reform our voting systems.
Link to watch the Conyers Forum online (click on House Forum on Ohio Election Voting Procedures (12/08/04):
http://www.c-span.org/Link to 113 under-reported election irregularities/potential fraud stories (11-2 to present):
The "Email to Friend" letter urging them to also "blast" the National media:
I’m emailing you to ask that you join me in urging our national media to cover the 2004 Presidential Election problems. These problems are so serious that they have put the results into question. At the request of 12 Congressmen, the GAO (the Congressional investigative department) has agreed to investigate the 57,000 reported irregularities. This is not a Democrat, Republican or Independent issue. It is an issue that must concern all voters. It calls into question the results of the 2004 election, and potentially jeopardizes our future elections. Please go to the url below and send the following letter to our national mainstream media.
http://www.independentmediasource.com/voteintegrity.htmP.S. If you would like to know more about all this, please watch the Conyers Forum online (link below). You can also read short summaries (or the full articles), and see for yourself how the National Media has been neglecting this important story (link below).
On December 8, Rep. John Conyers hosted a congressional forum in which verifiable evidence of vote suppression and compelling indications of vote manipulation in Ohio were detailed by panels of witnesses. One witness who previously served as an international elections inspector recounted incidents in Ohio that would never have been permitted in El Salvador’s elections. Yet we ignore these disturbing reports from within our own borders?
C-SPAN and several radio stations carried the forum live. Concurrently, mainstream media covered stories such as Basketbrawl, Martha Stewart’s incarceration and Scott Peterson’s sentencing hearing. One day later, a search on CNN.com returns no hits regarding this forum and the only mention at MSNBC.com is on Keith Olbermann’s blog. ABC.com has a short story, but the headline does not appear on their home page.
I am baffled by the media silence and appalled by the republican absence in this critical moment in American democracy. This may well be the least partisan yet most important issue facing our nation today. We cease to function as a representative republic when we cannot guarantee that the will of the people has been upheld. I urge the media to begin full and prominent coverage of the investigations into the 2004 election and the process to reform our voting systems.
Link to watch the Conyers Forum online (click on House Forum on Ohio Election Voting Procedures (12/08/04):
http://www.c-span.org/Link to 113 under-reported election irregularities/potential fraud stories (11-2 to present):