...he had the courage to do as I've requested. See letter below.
I do agree with you that the current status of this election is that it is not about Senator Kerry winning (or Mr Bush losing), it is about the fact that many of our fellow citizens were suppressed in their efforts to participate in the American franchise of democracy and the fact that none of us who were able to vote have any reason for confidence that our vote was counted as we intended.
We already know enough to know that the 2004 national election process is INVALID. The process must be halted on or before 6 Jan 2005 and we must establish an equitable mechanism of access to vote and an indisputable, verified mechanism for counting the vote.
Anything less and we are a totalitarian state.
Thus, my letter to Senator Kerry on 30 November 2004: __________________________________________
Honorable Senator John F. Kerry US Senate BY FAX: 202.224-8525 & 617.248-3870 30 November 2004 Dear Senator Kerry,
Subject: W 2: Democracy O-ver ?
I ask you two questions:
1. Are we prepared to let that happen?
2. Who is the only person who can lead an effort to change the score to W out: Democracy, the Winner?
I can answer the first question only for myself, obviously. The answer is No.
In my opinion the only person who can lead all of us to the only victory that matters is you, Senator Kerry. I urge you to realize that fact and the fact that it is better to make a valiant attempt now rather than deluding ourselves that we are going to get another chance. Because, foul ball, strike 1 was 2000; foul ball, strike 2 was 2002; foul-tip was 2 Nov 2004, and we can't wait for the next pitch for several obvious reasons.
Our opponent truly controls the scoreboard, owns the field, and has been showing our Democracy the exit since 9 Dec 2000. We must refuse to leave; we must insist that the third pitch was no different than 1 and 2 -- spitballs.
Thus, Senator Kerry we all need to focus.
We must assert that the only 'winners' in a franchise of democracy are supposed to be the stakeholders, the citizens, who irrespective of what happened to their candidate, got to swing at legal pitches and didn't have the score changed from 3 to 0, and reported as a mandate.
Senator Kerry you cannot truly 'win' no matter what the numbers in OH, or FL, or..., happen to be.
Why do I say that without reservation -- well, let's reflect on what would it mean for you to "win" the current "election"?
What exactly would you and our Democracy be winning?
An HR and Senate controlled by Republicans; an intractable Iraq; a close to collapsing debt structure; a fanatical bunch of neocons who'd never let up; a voting system that you would not be able to reform because of the intransigence you would face from a Republican controlled Congress; a media that has shown zero interest in finding the truth, in defending the disenfranchised, and on and on. You and your fellow patriots would arrive at 2006 and face a disaster that would make Newt's ravage of the Democrats in 1994 look like child's play.
In my opinion, you and Senator Edwards have only one realistic option - declare the current election process invalid, demand a comprehensive audit and commit to one of two outcomes:
1. Audit shows Bush 'won,' so be it;
2. Audit shows you 'won,' then you demand a re-vote using a fair and legitimate system and you abide by the outcome.
I am suggesting that you and Edwards take the type of courageous and selfless action that might just rescue our democracy franchise. You need to call the spitball for what it was in 2000, and in 2002 and on 2 Nov 2004 -- a systematic attack on our Constitutional rights and our value proposition to all of humanity.
You, along with all of us who are dedicated to our Democracy, should not waste another second trying to 'win' something that simply cannot legitimately be 'won'; the other team not only breaks the rules, they control the scoring process, the umpires and the media.
Senator Kerry you must lead from a position of selfless service to the franchise.
From that vantage, with that sudden jolt to everyone's attention, you will have earned the moral and patriotic authority required to convince millions of Americans to shout -- "Halt, prove to us our vote was counted as we intended. And, for all those who were prevented from voting, let them vote, now.
Rev Jackson got a bit of attention yesterday by saying 'fine with win and lose, but let's count first.'
Just imagine what would happen Senator if you said 'we have nothing to win, we have everything to lose if we first do not determine exactly what happened in this election and if we do not insist that those who were disenfranchised are permitted to express their vote before anyone claims to be the Next President of the United States of America.'
And, just imagine the power and credibility you would have if you stood before all the Nation, at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and committed pledged yourself to this commitment: 'Even if the numbers swing in our favor, the current system is so bankrupt that we will insist on a re-vote, using a fair, legitimate process to ensure that whomever then 'wins' will truly have done so knowing that every eligible voter is confident that they had equivalent access to vote and confidence that their vote was counted exactly as they intended.'
Senator Kerry history is happening and it is a broad, black stroke being painted over our Constitution, our heritage and our credibility -- if you do not lead now, in a way no less dramatic and courageous as the Founders, as Lincoln and as FDR, our franchise is over.
I will be there next to you; I will take as many hits as I can withstand to protect you; I will die at your side and, at 57 years of age and having witnessed as an MD exactly what death is, I assure you, these are not idol or idealistic words. This is a commitment from someone who fully recognizes that we either halt the next pitch or what we call "America" is no longer a democracy franchise.
Awaiting orders, Senator Kerry.
xxxxxxxxxxxxx "Halt, Audit & Prove My Vote Counts, Now"
This letter was also sent to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Feingold, Murray, Cantwell, Kennedy, Byrd, Lautenberg and Congressman Conyers and Congresswoman Pelosi -- urging them to step forward with Senator Kerry and announce to the Nation that everyone loses, the American franchise of Democracy is LOST, if we do not halt the current, invalid process.