(From an e-mail I just received-JQC)
Report line phone number: (214)764-6668. E-mail address for photos and contact info: mail@RadioLeft.com. Help us cover as many election protests as possible. All you need is a cell phone. We'll use your reports during "Conversations" Monday through Friday from 4:00PM to 6:00PM EST / 9:00PM to 11:00PM GMT. We will also be doing live reports as needed at other times. There are literally hundreds of protest events all over the U. S. This creates a major problem for news coverage. We want to cover as many events as possible and you can be our reporter for your event. If you have a phone that takes pictures, you can e-mail pictures to us at mail@RadioLeft.com during the event and we will publish them at RadioLeft.com. If you have a digital camera and want to send us some pictures after your event, we'll publish them as well. Here's how: Phone in a report during your event to the RadioLeft.com Report Line at (214)764-6668. We'll broadcast the reports on RadioLeft.com. Simply leave your report on our Report Line. Give, your name, where you are, the name and purpose of your event. Tell us who's there, how many people, how the police are behaving, what's on signs, etc. DO NOT SAY ANYTHING YOU DON'T WANT BROADCAST such as your telephone number, e-mail address, etc. (When you get a chance, e-mail us at mail@RadioLeft.com so that we will have your contact info for future reference. This is not required..) We will broadcast some of the events and call people for live reports. All that is needed is a cell phone. So, if you are going to have a sound system and people making speeches, let us know and we'll see what we can do. E-mail us at mail@RadioLeft.com and we'll get in touch. If you would like us to call you for a live report during your event, E-mail us at mail@RadioLeft.com so we'll have your contact information in advance. Provide us with whatever information will be of use to us: Your name, location, time and date of your event, name of the event, what you're doing, names of speakers (if any), website (if any), what you're doing, telephone number, e-mail address - whatever information you'd like us to have. If you are planning civil disobedience, let us know. If you have a high profile person we should interview, please send the information to mail@RadioLeft.com. Here's a sample report to give you the basic idea of what you could phone in to our Report Line: This is Geoff Staples. It's Thursday at 5:00PM here in Dallas, Texas. Our group, "Blue State Texas" is in front of the Hilton Hotel to protest George Bush, who's attending a fund raiser here. We have about 50 people. Some of the signs are really great: "George Bush is The Most Hated Man on Earth", "Bush Stole Another Election", and "We're Blue as Hell and we're not going to take it anymore". We've been practicing our one finger salutes so that we can properly welcome Bush to Dallas when he arrives. We want everyone to know that there are lots of liberals and Democrats in Bush' home state. We have five people inside the event. They have a sign that says: "George Bush: You murdered our Democracy" that they plan to march through the room during Bush's speech. We've already arranged bail because we expect them to be arrested. Say what you want! Be a star! Have fun! Geoff Geoff Staples Radio Left "We drive the right wing nuts!" www.RadioLeft.com Listen to "Conversations" Monday - Friday 4:00PM EST / 9:00PM GMT