Thank you for a reply. I was thinking we'd do it through private e-mail, but here is okay with me as well if that is your preference.
Okay, Lets see what you wrote..
You wrote:
"I'm cool with Madsen hurling insults etc. :)"
Well, I didn't think that was his best response to your article, and I think it'd be best for all of us to skip the insults and I will endeavor to be better about that myself. I also feel your article was rather insulting to Madsen. Not that he's above criticism, since obviously there are legitimate things to critique in his articles, but as a third party who is somewhat more aware of more than you are about the course of Madsen's investigation I feel that some of the insinuations in your article are unfair and quite uncalled for. Also there are some definite misrepresentations and distortions there that I would like to challenge you on and request that you retract.
You wrote:
"But I don't dialog him.(?) I just want to critique
his published material, is all."
I don't understand why you would avoid dialogging with him.
I'm very cool with people scrutinizing published reports, but what I'm uncomfortable with is that it is standard journalistic practice to contact someone when you're writing a story regarding them, and your article contains some parts that I believe are a twisting or misrepresentation of the facts. I don't want to think there deliberate, but they are so to me they leave me wondering. I'll have to go through it again later and make a separate post listing those. I e-mailed you one of them and here is that again (its long).
"I saw this in particular in your story and want to urge you to correct it:
'The heart of the story was his seminal account of a $29 million payoff check to an alleged Bush-linked offshore trust. Now he admits the check in question was a fake so inept that Nigerian scammers would blush at such incompetence. No such blushes from Madsen, who now says the check was just a follow-the-money pointer from his mysterious tipsters.'
Madsen never said the check 'was a fake so inept that Nigerian scammers would blush at such incompetence.' No, that is completely wrong. He reported to me that it was such a good forgery that it had every single detail properly executed down to the forged anti-forgery markings. The reference he made to Nigerian scammers had nothing to do with the quality of the forgery. It had to do with the money connections between the various criminal enterprises. Maybe his use of the word 'bogus' mislead you into thinking he was criticizing the quality of the check, but he wasn't. He was just using a synonym for false. Maybe that was an unfortunate choice of words.
Please read the passage again with new eyes:
'According to Laurentian Bank, the check, a U.S. dollar 'money order,' is a bogus instrument tied to Nigerian scamming activities. Laurentian Bank said that a U.S. dollar money order would never be for amounts over $1,000 and any higher amount would be in the form of a bank draft that would require the signature of two senior bank officers. In addition, the bank would never use a cell phone number (514-588-5569) on their checks. The payer on the 'check,' Equity Financial Trust of Toronto, is said by the Canadian Fraud Office to be involved with Nigerian scammers.'
Keep in mind also that things like the dollar amount limit and the cell phone number clue probably didn't emerge immediately because that's the kind of thing one has to do spade work to unearth."
You wrote:
"I already laid to rest the issue of over-reaction
to my "controversial" Madsen article. It's all Here:"
Your posting couldn't have laid my points to rest because your posting was writen before I wrote my e-mail. I challenged the above key passage of your article, so of course it doesn't respond to my request that you correct your article on the basis of the actual facts. Please if you would respond directly to my point and update your article and internet radio programs accordingly I think that is only right.
You wrote:
I think Madsen misrepresented the Clint Curtis "software"
as real FUNCTIONING code that could be passed on by Feeney,
in his interview by Tony Trupiano on Tuesday, by the way.
Audio in my News Show last night (about 20mins. into show):"
I listened to his interview and then listened to your program also.
I have to take issue with you using the word "misrepresented". The fact is the program certainly did function, but the program was only a working prototype or proof of concept program. So to representing it as functioning code that was likely passed to Feeney does not involve any misrepresentation. Now if someone were to misunderstand what Curtis and Madsen have said and thought that Curtis' program was the exact same code that was put onto any voting machine they would be incorrect. Curtis never claimed that, and I haven't heard Madsen claim that either. If he did say that, that I would simply chalk that up to the kind of things I hear said all the time by non-programmers trying to describe a process they don't really grasp, and not imply that the person somehow "misrepresented" the point since the word "misrepresented" clearly implies some kind of devious motivation. If you think Madsen is incorrect about something I think it is enough to just say "incorrect" and not imply something sinister about his motivation by using terms like "misrepresented"
In addition I will write to Madsen and express to him that his choice of words might have been easily misunderstood by listeners and how he can express it in a way that is more technically accurate.
I share with you the concern that we accurately express ourselves so that we don't over inflate expectations or are dismissed due to unsubstantiated allegations. I share a concern to scrutinize all stories, explore them, correct them etc. But still I feel that your story was quite unfair and in places inaccurate and misrepresented the facts as I know them. I continue to hope that you would dialogue w/ Madsen and seek common ground. Conspiracy theorists such as both of you are would do well to work together to help us get to the bottom of this instead of causing dissension and ripping our movement apart from within by bickering. Can we find a way for all of us to "just get along" and work together against our common enemy, ie. injustice and tyranny?
Thanks for your due consideration,