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Republicans on the Ukraine elections: A cabal of shysters!!

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Carl Brennan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 01:35 AM
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Republicans on the Ukraine elections: A cabal of shysters!!
So I listened to the Judiciary Committee meetings chaired by Rep. Conyers yesterday, then today I listened to the 2004 Election Process meeting in the Senate Bldg where voter disenfranchisement was exposed in all its ugliness by various NGO's. Then.......

I listened to a Senate hearing on the Ukraine where Henry Hyde "in plain sight" chaired. Remember ol' Henry from the Clinton witch hunt years? He's the guy who used the phrase "youthful indiscretion" to describe his fuck affair with an office worker when he was pushing 40, while at the same time slamming Clinton for his "youthful indiscretion" with Monica. "Neutered" Gingrich was nailed for a similar hypocrisy in this vile episode of US history. If you changed Ukraine to the US it would have sounded like a continuation of the 2004 Election Process hearing . The irony was unbelievable and infuriating. These dried out, passionless, old windbags are enought to put you to sleep, which is probably their goal. We have some old rethug from California with a European accent telling about the great woe in the Ukraine and then Rightie Richard Lugar talking about voter suppression and intimidation. It sounded just like what so many activist and other NGO's are saying about election 2004. I was just listening and could not believe how utterly hypocritical these bastards were. I very much wanted to burst into that little Senate Party and say this.

"Do you people have any idea how pathologically hypocritical this hearing is? Or, are you simply so full of contempt for the domestic voting problems, the american people and democracy that you get your kicks shoving your arrogance in their faces with this phony concern for the Ukraine while ignoring the plank in your own country's eye? What are you doing? Trying to distract from the domestic reality and with some more geo-political manuevering. Just who ever gave a shit about the Ukraine before this election, and why care about it now when we have our own very, very serious problems with the very same issue?? The issues raised about the Ukraine elections could be a useful adjunct to the one here at home, but instead the divergence of actual count to exit poll data in the Ukraine is the purported raison de' etre of the claim of foul play, while that very same divergence at home is ignored.

What in the HELL IS GOING ON!!!???

Why is Freedom in Iraq, Afghanistan (where ballots are transported by pack mule to insure everybody has one) and the Ukraine so vitally important when the deliberate, unexcusable suppression of the vote in the US, particularly of black voters, ignored? Could it be that the Republican selective outrage directed toward the Ukraine is the result of the fact that over 80% of blacks vote Democrat?

What in the HELL IS GOING ON!!!?

Another question: Is the reason you are focusing "out there" instead of at home because, you can't carve a profit out of the chaos at home either financially or politically? Meddling in the Ukraine in a power game with Russia is just more chaos building via geo-political jockying, as in Iraq, where it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that that shithouse mess was never about freedom for Iraqi's but rather about profits for the Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE) particularly Cheney's company Halliburton; ditto for Afghanistan, Halliburton is a dope peddler and Afghanistan dope production is at an all time high. We need not repeat how dependent our CIA (Christians in Action) is on dope for their ops. Only a Coincidence Theorist could not see that these things are connected.

Your cynical contempt for democracy and the American people will not stay hidden forever. The Republican sector is looking more like a fort under siege as your support fades away and the calls for the truth grow louder.
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goclark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 01:38 AM
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1. Hurry truth, we need you!

I know exactly how you feel.

What the hell is going on!

This is bazarro world we are living in.
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Carl Brennan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 09:04 AM
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2. Morning crowd
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