I been meaning to put this up for a while, thanks to Amycrat for designing the "Redhands" ones (low res here to save bandwidth):
Thanks to skids for the following info:
"The advertising space you don't know you own." "The avatars are great. They point out something that a lot of less hardcore web forum users do not realize:
Let's say you are a gamer, or you build model trains, or whatever. Something that is totally unrelated to politics.
Probably you have an Internet forum a lot like DU that lets you have signatures and avatars. First, put a hyperlink to a good site in your signature (try to choose something that looks "respectable" like freepress.org), along with a catch line (there are threads in Voter Issues section for catch lines.) That means that every time you post about grooming your ferret or how to make a sunflower grow sideways, people who are totally outside of the issue have a change to get drawn in. I've done this and on popular sites, you can generate 10 or 20 hits every time you post. That's a bit of work, but if you post to that forum anyway, it isn't work at all.
One problem with movements is they tend to form publicity bubbles where they think they are doing outreach when really they are not reaching anyone new. This breaks that bubble.
The second thing is another trick you may not know about: If you go and change your signature and/or your avatar, in a lot of these systems, it will change on all your old posts too. The ones you made last week, and the ones you made last year.
...and, this is important, if you have put a post into a sticky/pinned article, like say you contributed to a FAQ thread on how to cure goldfish urinary tract infections, then you have a little billboard just sitting there, waiting for you to use. On popular sites, those threads get a LOT of traffic. We're talking hundreds of people seeing your avatar every hour."
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