I think we've hit a nerve, Diebold's "Director, Global Communications"
responded to this, in the comments section, on "In These Times"
* * * * * *
Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/1742/By Joel Bleifuss
December 10, 2004
Did the Bush-Cheney campaign engage in electronic vote fraud to ensure
that George W. Bush would be president for another four years? That is
a question every small-d democrat should be asking.
Much has been written on the Internet alleging that the election was
stolen. Some writers are members of the tin-foil hat brigade, but
others provide sober analysis of the election results that raise
disturbing questions.
Unfortunately, thanks to the herd instinct in our current media
culture, anyone who publicly raises this question is immediately
labeled a conspiracy theorist.
Was it technically possible to steal the election through electronic
voting fraud? As the New York Times editorial noted, there is “is no
way to be sure that the nightmare scenario of electronic voting
critics did not occur.”
CONTACT INFO: itt@inthesetimes.com