If you know the real John Kerry, you know that these
statements cannot be true. For those who even believe that if
Ohio is overturned, he does not deserve it. A veteran in
Florida sent me this, and i believe it explains very well, why
Kerry is doing this his way, and why it really is the best
way. Read this, and tell me you don't agree!
"Thanks for the updates Lauren your helping to keep me
sane, if'n I had to only rely on what I've been reading
lately, I'd either explode with frustration or rage. Lauren
I'd like to see these people who are calling John Kerry timid
and Un-concerned, just what they'd do & how they'd handle
the situation, I really would. Because I know they'd already
have been out and face down in the road, with this ten minute
attention span here in America, if'n it ain't todays news it's
old hat tomorrow. The people would be sick and tired of
hearing the media pound the shit out of John Kerry, that
they'd except any decision just shut up them already. Lauren
unless I'm a total fool or completely ignorant, I believe,
that John Kerry is exhibiting amazing & monumental Courage
in his waiting this out until the evidence is clear &
America starts to see that this was a case of Voting /
Election Fraud. I am also quite confident, that John Kerry
will NOT hesitate until it is too late either. Timid?
Un-Concerned? I'd like to see just where these nay sayers
would be right now, with the same set of conditions under the
same kinda circumstance's, and see if they could still be
standing up under the pressure that John Kerry must surely be
feeling today, from ALL sides. I really don't think any one of
would still be standing, I really don't.
Anyway that's my short note to thanks for the updates, so
Thanks for the Updates, have a good weekend, and if'n you
speak with #$% or *&@, please pass along my best &
holiday greetings.
Thank you,
Marc Killam
U S Navy Veteran "citizen soldier"
Englewood, Florida chapter John Kerry Back Watch