This was posted on DU earlier. Hopefully the people doing the recount in Ohio will get this information so that the same mistakes will not happen during the recount:
DUer Verve wrote:
"Truehawk and k8conant have brilliantly discovered in some Ohio precincts that certain ballots were possibly run through the wrong vote tabulator. Thus, miscounting votes. If multiple precincts with different ballots voted at the same location, ballots could have easily been tallied in the wrong machine. Please see their posts below.
This definitely looks like an area to research further. Questions that come up are:
Where are the multiple precincts that voted in one location?
What did their ballots look like? How were they different?
What candidates would have benefited from a mistake in these locations? And thus, did these candidates have significantly elevated votes in these precincts?
The problem is that if ballots are shuffled into the wrong stacks, a machine recount will not discover this. It will only ensure the same votes they got in the first count. What needs to be insisted upon is that all ballots are checked first to ensure they are in the correct precinct stack before they are run through the machines.
I know, I know. Ohio election officials will Fuss Big Time about this. However, if all ballots would have been color coded for each precinct, like in most states, this would not be an issue. A good question to ask Mr. Blackwell is why he did not color code ballots?"