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Florida Counties Sorted By Change In Bush Margin 2000-2004

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Syrinx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 02:35 AM
Original message
Florida Counties Sorted By Change In Bush Margin 2000-2004
These numbers are calculated by taking Bush's margin (positive or negative) in 2004, and subtracting his margin in 2000.

Union 21.6
Dixie 19.7
Hardee 17.3
Holmes 17.1
Baker 16.3
Liberty 16.0
Gilchrist 15.8
Washington 15.7
Sumter 14.6
Levy 14.5
Gulf 14.1
Calhoun 14.1
Columbia 13.9
Putnam 13.8
Lafayette 13.4
Bradford 12.7
Walton 11.6
Suwannee 10.4
Pasco 10.3
Okeechobee 10.2
Hernando 9.7
Bay 9.5
Franklin 9.3
Jackson 9.1
Osceola 9.0
Santa Rosa 8.8
Polk 8.8
Wakulla 8.2
Highlands 8.2
Brevard 7.9
Taylor 7.5
Flagler 7.5
Citrus 7.3
Marion 7.0
Broward 6.9
Volusia 6.6
Nassau 6.6
Okaloosa 6.3
Lake 6.0
Manatee 5.9
Palm Beach 5.7
Clay 5.6
Glades 5.5
St. Johns 5.0
Desoto 5.0
Seminole 4.8
St. Lucie 4.6
Charlotte 4.1
Escambia 4.1
Pinellas 4.0
Hillsborough 3.7
Martin 3.5
Lee 3.2
Indian River 3.2
Alachua 2.2
Sarasota 2.0
Orange 1.9
Madison 1.3
Monroe 0.7
Miami-Dade 0.0
Hendry -0.1
Hamilton -0.2
Duval -0.6
Jefferson -1.2
Leon -2.0
Collier -2.2
Gadsden -6.2
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Peter Frank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 02:41 AM
Response to Original message
1. I know what you're gettin' at...

...why not go ahead & say it?
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Syrinx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 02:43 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I don't know what you're getting at
Why don't you just say it?

All I did was spend a few minutes doing a little arithmetic, and hoping someone can spot anything interesting.
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Peter Frank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 02:53 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. It's the " (positive or negative) " thingie that's put off response n/t
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Syrinx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 03:09 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I still don't understand
The positive or negative thing was just to help people understand what the numbers mean.

Let's say Bush won a county by 5 in 2000 and by 12 in 2004. The change would be +7. If he lost a county by 5 in 2000 and won by 2 in 2004, the change would still be +7.

I don't understand what you object to.
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