I was cruising through voteprotect.org (excellent database, by the way) for things that happened in my state and came across the report below.
Yesterday, received a call from British Columbia. Caller said she was from Washington, said she knew Mia voted for Bush in last election and wanted to know if they could count on her support this year. Said yes. Today received a call from Washington asking if she was coming out to vote and who was she voting for. Mia wouldn't say. She thinks this is strange because her number is listed under her husband's name. She doesn't know how they got her name or number.
037307 11/02/04, 10:23 AM PST Other Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota
https://voteprotect.org/index.php?display=EIRMapCounty&state=Minnesota&cat=ALL&start_time=00%3A00&start_date=11%2F2%2F2004&end_time=00%3A00&end_date=12%2F10%2F2004&search=&go=Apply+filter&county=HennepinSo, it made me think back to a few things.
I was a GOTV volunteer for MoveOn and what we did was go door-to-door with lists of "infrequent Dem voters" asking them who they planned to vote for. If they said the didn't plan to we checked that off too. On election day, we asked people who said they were voting Kerry to check in with us to verify that they had voted. Not that many actually did, but anyway. On election day I personally got three calls reminding me to vote. They didn't ask me if I had, just reminded me.
The scenario reported above made me think about dirty Republican tricks. They actually ASKED this woman if she had voted, which is the first hint that something was "amiss". Then, she realized that they couldn't have known her number because it wasn't listed to her name but her husband's. So, someone had information from somewhere--registration lists?--that told them she was a Bush voter last time. If she had said "no" or "I'm not going to this time", how easy would it have been for someone else to go in her place and vote for Bush? Even if the person posing as this woman had been asked for ID, it would have been a provisional ballot situation. If she had not been asked for ID, the poser would have been able to vote as this woman.
I wonder too if the Republicans had a similar GOTV effort to MoveOn's but when a person said they weren't voting someone called them to see if they voted and then if they said "no" went to vote in their place. I wish we could just canvass certain areas, door-to-door, and ask people to sign affidavits as to whether they voted and for whom.
Sorry if this scenario has been discussed before; if it was I wasn't aware of it.