Those people in the Ukraine..The ones whose exit polls didn't match the offical results..The ones who figured out that their election was rigged..The ones who didn't want to live under the kind of bogus government their powerful had planned. The Ones Who Actually Got Things CHANGED. They didn't go out for an hour or two and protest..and then go home. NO.. THEY STAYED!..They STAYED until they were HEARD and they got RESULTS! When we go to our State Capital tommorrow..How about this?..How about WE STAY?..How about we turn it into a VIGIL? Yeah, People got kids to feed, work to do and other stuff..Ok..So...Go do it..AND THEN COME BACK! And KEEP COMING BACK! Let's keep a Constant Presence going. So, if were gonna do that, we need some infrastructure..People need food and drink..A way to stay warm and dry..Hey!..It's Damn cold in the Ukraine and THEY DID IT! Anybody own a Porta Pottie franchise? WE CAN DO THIS!..We did it in the '60's and '70's. We know how to do this stuff. As a matter of fact, IT WAS A HELL OF A LOT OF FUN! OR We have another choice We can live in a Corporatist Theocracy. Wouldn't that be A Lot Of Fun?
We plan to go out and protest on Sunday but The REAL ACTION ( Conyers hearings and Arnbecks lawsuit ) is on MONDAY!
Let's really think about making this an ONGOING ACTION!
Anyone got a better idea? It worked in the Ukraine.