If they don't come forward to challenge this fraudulent election, and to defend our right to vote, then I think Jan. 6 is the day for a massive re-registering as Greens, in protest.
Jan. 6 Congress is supposed to certify the election, last step to Bush inauguration. At that time, in '00, black House members approached the Senate with their petition NOT to certify, needing only one signature, and NOT ONE Senator, Dem or Rep, rose to help them (the famous scene in "F 9/11"). Will the Dems repeat this betrayal?
They are NEVER going to win another national election, with the voting system in rightwing Republican hands (source code to electronic vote tabulators held as secret and proprietary by Bush donors!--jeez!), nor will we ever see a progressive Congress again, if this election stands unchallenged, and if the grass roots don't get election rules changed locally--a) paper trail for every vote, b) open source code (Congress isn't going to do it!).
Unfortunately, Jesse Jackson has given them an out--they can endorse his idea of a Constitutional amendment for the right to vote. (never happen, forget it).
Anyway, if I'm going to do any more political organizing in my life time--and I do intend to get, a) paper trail, and b) open source code, everywhere I can, for our children's sake, before I die--I am not going to do it with or for the Democratic Party, unless they come forward now. As of Jan. 6, it's all over between them and me (44 years of loyally voting for Democrats).
This is not the first betrayal (the Vietnam War was that--or maybe back a bit further, failure to identify JFK's killers). But it will be the Democrats' last opportunity to shove my vote, my donations, and my volunteer energy back in my face.
I have been extremely reluctant to criticize Kerry and the Dems, or anyone involved in the campaign--first of all, because we WON, actually. (What's to criticize?) It worked! Our compromises and cooperation (between grass roots & mainstream Dems) resulted in a fabulous victory.
Also, I am very, very wary of the Left ripping itself to shreds. (Germany 1933.)
But what I've come to realize--and can't abide--is the Dems complicity in permitting this blatantly fraudulent election SYSTEM to be put in place, with only the faintest of objections (by a few). That was their bottom-line job, after the debacle of '00--to make sure that our votes would be counted this time. And they promised to do so time and again, even on Election night (Edwards' statement, before Kerry's concession).
Their failure on this has been catastrophic. Until they acknowledge it, and challenge this election, and start fighting for our most fundamental right, we cannot count on them for ANYTHING and in fact they are worse than useless as our advocates. They are dragging us down, and they are dragging some of the less astute Left with them.
Down, down, down to defeat--again and again.
So we won't be losing a thing by re-registering Green. And we have much to gain, both as to associating with the Greens themselves, who are great people, and as to helping them form coalitions and build up the numbers--in a party whose platform we can really believe in.
We can still vote for Dems, selectively, if we wish. We won't get to nominate Dem candidates, but who cares? The War Party within the Dem Party will never relinquish control.
And if we make such a defection big enough--with the Dems losing members, donations and volunteers--we CAN affect them, and maybe the result will be a Green-Left-Dem coalition party (workers, minorities, women, the poor, environmentalists, anti-globalists, human rights groups, war veterans, small businesses, the elderly, etc.) (Who else is there, really--I mean besides the super-rich?) (We ARE the majority!) (...maybe the Christian right, but there is also a very significant Christian left).
Go Greens!