http://www.opednews.com/wade_121204_election_smoking_gun.htmSmoking Gun of Election Fraud is in Ken Blackwell’s Hand
By Anthony Wade
Votergate 2004 is not going away. There are stories every day about the Ukraine and the obvious fraud in their elections but deafening silence about our own elections continues. Last week there were CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS about voter fraud. Not one GOP Representative bothered to attend, desperately afraid of lending any legitimacy to the allegations. What was presented even made Congressman John Conyers object to the elections results. Where was the coverage??? Not one word from the NY Times??? I can understand FOX not covering an event potentially damaging to their boss, Bush, but the NY Times? This is the same paper that apologized to it's readers for it's horrific coverage in the lead up to the Iraq War, and now they give their readers another reason to not trust them as being objective. Even if you think the allegations are baseless, COVER the story!
Now, we have yet another blatant piece of evidence that the Ohio results are fraudulent, and it is greeted with more silence. On Friday, Ken "GOP Whore" Blackwell decided to stop the legal recount being conducted in Greene County Ohio, in mid-count. When the volunteers asked under what authority they were being stopped they were told that Ken Blackwell had determined that “all voter records for the state of Ohio were “locked-down,” and now they are not considered public records.” For those who may have been unaware due to the media lockdown, Ken Blackwell is not only the Ohio Secretary of State, but he was also the State Chair of the Bush reelection campaign. Conflict of interest anyone? Katherine Harris redux anyone?
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