in signing a resolution encouraging senators and representatives from the state to join the investigation and contest in congress if necessary.
Here is a piece of the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO) resolution <*snip*>
We encourage and will support our elected officials as follows:
U.S. Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio, Darlene Hooley, David Wu, and Greg Walden we encourage and support
* a public and aggressive participation, alongside Congressional Representatives Conyers, Nadler, Wexler, Holt, Scott, Watt, Baldwin, Miller, Slaughter, Filner, Lee, Meeks, Olver, and Schakowsky in calling upon the Government Accountability Office (GAO), to perform a timely and thorough investigation into all voting irregularities nationwide * a public pledge to challenge the electors from any and all states where irregularities and possible fraud have surfaced
Senators Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith, we encourage and support
* a public pledge to step forward and concur with any such challenges to state electors brought by members of the U.S. House of Representatives
<*end snip*>
Here is a sample letter to send to your state's democratic party. I'm sure you can find contact info for each state party through google Please reply with "done" when you send a letter.
To Whom It May Concern:
According to a press release on the website of the Democratic Party of Oregon (DPO), the DPO has signed a resolution asking the representatives and senators from Oregon to act now to investigate the presidential election and protect the vote. The separated text below is a taken from the resolutions.
---------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Representatives Earl Blumenauer, Peter DeFazio, Darlene Hooley, David Wu, and Greg Walden we encourage and support
* a public and aggressive participation, alongside Congressional Representatives Conyers, Nadler, Wexler, Holt, Scott, Watt, Baldwin, Miller, Slaughter, Filner, Lee, Meeks, Olver, and Schakowsky in calling upon the Government Accountability Office (GAO), to perform a timely and thorough investigation into all voting irregularities nationwide * a public pledge to challenge the electors from any and all states where irregularities and possible fraud have surfaced
Senators Ron Wyden and Gordon Smith, we encourage and support
* a public pledge to step forward and concur with any such challenges to state electors brought by members of the U.S. House of Representatives -------------------------------------------------------------------
The results of the presidential election are in question becuase of widespread irregularities including voter intimidation and disenfranchisment, unauditable machines, exit poll results, and more. (INSERT YOUR STATE HERE) State democrats need to act now, following the DPO's lead, to preserve democracy and ensure the true winner becomes President. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,