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Media Blast needed now- Target CNN

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Blue in the face Donating Member (210 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 01:43 PM
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Media Blast needed now- Target CNN
Sorry if this is a dupe.

I know that not seeing anything in the mainstream media is frustrating. I'm so pissed right now, I could scream. But I'm not going to. I'm going to write a quick email to CNN. Then I'm going to write one to MSNBC. Then ABC and CBS. I'm going to write Bill Moyers, who's rumored to be doing his last piece on the control of the Right wing on mainstream media.

Who's going to join me?

Here's the link for CNN-

Here's the link for MSNBC email-

Here's CBS-

And ABC-

And here's Bill Moyer's show-

I don't have to tell anyone to keep it short and especially sweet. We don't want to alienate the MSM any more than they already are.
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HEAVYHEART Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 01:46 PM
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1. Go ahead
I've written to ALL of them. I haven't lately but I wrote everyday for about 3 weeks after the election.
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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 01:47 PM
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2. Uh, what exactly are we supposed to write about?
Did I miss that in your post or am I just snoozing today?

Either way, do you really believe the mainstream media gives a rats ass about a bunch of letters they receive? We've been blasting them for 4 years now and they still don't care. And we should stop trying to win them over. They are and always will be corporate run and worried about the bottom line.
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Blue in the face Donating Member (210 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 01:53 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. I just heard CNN announce that Inside Politics is covering at 3:30
I know I'm not reinventing the wheel or suggesting anything that hasn't been done by thousands on this board for weeks. We all have been reaching out.

But with the recent hearings and the lawsuit filed, this issue has become more to cover than just the supposed "conspiracy theories" that the media has been so quick to dismiss. Keith Olbermann isn't the only mainstream journalist who should be doing a serious investigation into this. And basically in a nutshell that is what I wrote.

If you don't want to write anymore emails, I understand. But at the same time, I see three or more posts right now questioning what the hell we are hoping to accomplish. I am fighting my urge to give up and simply want to urge everyone else to do the same.
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Stop Shrub Donating Member (223 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-13-04 02:03 PM
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4. amen keep the emailing going

but lets organize it and direct it, also i think calling is even more effective, if we get a few hundred people to call in about a given topic that says a lot to these stations...
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