Went to the company Christmas party over the weekend and got 2 people interested in signing the petition, but now I can't find the link. Anybody have it?
Also, does anybody have a copy of any fliers they handed out this weekend? I have a couple of people I'd like to convince without too many urls for them to wade through.
Finally, is there a list of groups you'd recommend I sign up for to keep up on things? I'm still trying to get on the cobb recount update list. Seems like I waited to long to respond. It looks like the TV waves are still on blackout mode (except for CSPAN sort of). Pacifica, RadioLeft and AAR I know about. I'd really like a list of Media NAUGHTY and NICE. Maybe we should have a pic of black coal to send to the naughty list?
thanks, Mrs Claus
PS - this year, the big man and his main reindeer's nose will be painted Red, white, and very blue