News about the Ohio Statehouse protests
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Mon Dec-13-04 08:28 PM
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News about the Ohio Statehouse protests |
and the hearings today.
I'm pretty disappointed by the turnout of protesters here. There were approximately 14 of us and 6 were from New York. It was horribly cold out there 28 degrees with gusting winds of 22 to 32 mph so I can understand it a little bit. We did get on channel 6 news in Columbus and channel 7 news from Dayton Ohio interviewed several of us and my mom said they did play small portions of them.
At 1:00 we went to the townhall hearings and I watched several people testify. Got there just as Jesse Jackson was leaving. The most interesting part was meeting the Curtis guy that wrote the vote stealing software for Florida in 2000. He demonstrated how it worked and it was pretty simple and anyone who knew the proper sequence of entries to make could cause the total votes to flip to a preset percentage for each candidate.
Wish I had better news about the outcome of todays events.
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Mon Dec-13-04 08:50 PM
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1. Thanks for braving the cold! |
(110 posts)
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Mon Dec-13-04 08:55 PM
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It's gotta be tough. But we are trying to spread the word out here through the blogs to help. If people made flyers saying...
and distribute them at their coffe shops and churches and train stations, etc.
Luckily, public opinion continues to grow on this. The truth will out!
(This is my first post. What do you think?)
Jo March
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:06 PM
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4. Welcome! That's a mighty fine post |
Yes, we do need to get our message out.
It ain't getting any warmer and I hate the cold but it's time to take to the streets.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:02 PM
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3. I wish I lived closer I would be out their with you. |
Is E-Voting ME-Voting?
I can't figure it out can you?
How exactly do you Visually inspect a vapor vote? Do they even count at all???????? if so, Please prove it..... We are sorry, but We the People Don't believe you any more. You have lied to us once to often.
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Mon Dec-13-04 09:10 PM
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5. Thanks for braving the wind and cold today. |
My wife and I were at the protest on Sunday. In all we probably had about 75. I wanted to protest at the State House today, but I did not want to miss a minute of the hearing. I'm glad some of you made it.
You missed some great testimony from Cobbs, about possible voter fraud.
(191 posts)
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Tue Dec-14-04 12:08 AM
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actually it was a great experience even with the cold. I don't tend to like the cold and wouldn't do it for just any occassion.
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Tue Dec-14-04 12:18 AM
Response to Reply #6 |
7. Thank you for being there for us, I was at your big Saturday Rally |
and it was pretty cold then too, keep up the good work, it will bring you great satisfaction as it does me when I am out there with you.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:20 AM
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