I filtered incidents of type "voter intimidation" from the Voteprotect Election Incident Reporting system (almost 40,000).
There were more than ninety-two incidents of this type in the database - and you can bet that there were thousands scattered around the nation. Some may seem to be minor, many are not.
Over 1/3 occurred in Florida (25) and Ohio (7). Surprised?
https://voteprotect.org/index.php?display=EIRMapNationstate county time reported desc
Alaska Maricopa 2004-11-02 07:32:52 PST K Precinct Leader with Moveon PAC called from predominantly Republican voting precinct in Phoenix where voters with Kerry shirts and buttons are not being allowed to vote unless they wear jackets or take their shirts/buttons off.
Arizona Navajo County 2004-11-02 09:37:30 PST K Friend was not allowed to vote b/c had Kerry hat on - what is basis for poll monitor to not allow them to vote until partisan gear is removed?
California San Mateo 2004-11-02 19:44:32 PST APFA union rep. told him if he didn't vote for Kerry, he would be fired. Thinks he was from union national headquarters.
California Alameda 2004-11-02 16:06:02 PST 4-5 Poll workers were talking about presidential election in a partisan (pro-Kerry) fashion, within earshot of voters. This voter also stated that elderly female Filipino voters in line with him had to repeat their names several times to the poll workers, and he thought that the poll workers exhibited incompetence in not being able to understand the women's spelling of their names.
California Carlsbad 2004-11-02 13:32:00 PST K Elderly woman not allowed to bring in paperes with her (reminders of how she wished to vote). Had been asked to take off Kerry t-shirt. Poll worker made her leave her materials with him while she voted.
California Alameda 2004-11-02 09:56:05 PST K Man in white Ford pickup tearing down Kerry signs that are posted outside 100' from polling place.
California Butte 2004-11-02 09:20:40 PST K FURTHER ACTION NEEDED. Voter has Kerry shirt, was turned away, not told to turn shirt inside out or take it off.
California Los Angeles 2004-11-02 17:14:12 PST K Poll worker insulting voter. Because he was latino she said "another vote for Kerry". she was older lady, heavyset w/ long reddish brown hair and big glassse
California Los Angeles 2004-11-02 11:18:33 PST K Woman poll worker told the voter that she couldn't vote with a John Kerry shirt. Apparently she did end up voting, but there may be voter intimidation in this poll. Voter may call back with name of the poll worker.
Colorado Gilipin 2004-11-02 12:58:41 PST K Voter was wearing Kerry sticker. She says that the election volunteer at the polling place told her that it was illegal to wear the pin and that she must take it off. She told the volunteer that she would not remove the pin and says she was harassed again. She was able to fill in her ballot but was unsure whether the ballot was actually cast. She asked the poll volunteer whether she cast her ballot (as she did not see it) and was told, yes, despite the fact that the voter had acted "illegally." The voter was not sure whether she was being harassed as a result of being a Kerry supporter.
Colorado denver 2004-11-02 14:12:02 PST K group called Reunion called this morning encouraging kerry voters to go to the polls tomorrow. wednesday
Florida Indiana River County 2004-10-27 11:37:12 PST K The man was walking down the street when he ran into a group of Bush supporters. He shouted Go KErry and one of the group put a gun to his head. He reported this to the gentleman who called at the Kerry Campaign HQ. Apparently later the same man was travelling home and he passed this same group of people who shouted that they would kill him. This was after he had reported the prior incident to the police and presumably the group had found out about it. {cr}{newline}The man who threatened the caller's friend with a gun was 52 years old.
Florida Bero Beach 2004-10-27 06:41:20 PST K Caller described an incident in which an 18-y-o Democrat male was driving past a main intersection where several Bush demonstrators were. The driver shouted, "Go Kerry," and was subsequently verbally assaulted by one of the demonstrators, and then another demonstrator pulled a gun on him. According to caller, this has been reported in the media inaccurately. The man who pulled the gun was arrested and charged wtih aggravated assault, but then released on his own recognizance. Caller wants to know if we have lawyers who can counsel the 18-y-o in connection with this incident.
Florida Miami-Dade 2004-10-26 12:51:23 PST K She reported that Hatian immigrents had been intimidated by "Republican" lawyers. She said that poll workers who were helping primarily Hatian voters with the voting machines were accused by "Republican Lawyers" of soliciting votes for Kerry. She says that this was not true, but they were only helping with the machines. She did say that some confusion may have resulted from language differences with the lawyers not understanding what was being said. She did say that some people walked away without voting.
Florida Palm Beach County 2004-10-31 15:27:56 PST K KKK literature being placed on the cars with Kerry/Edwards stickers in the parking lot of the polling station.
Florida Manatee 2004-11-03 11:59:45 PST Kerry people
blocking walkway; she could not vote.
Florida Dade 2004-11-11 12:40:21 PST K Volunteer poll worker telling people they can't wear Kerry buttons in the polling place, and must hand in any written info they have. He called county election dep't and someone spoke with her on phone. Doesn't know if she's still doing it but concerned she's still giving out bad information. She seemed to be targeting Democrats.
Florida Bay 2004-11-02 06:35:40 PST Ballot only has Kerry's and democrat party
Florida Lee 2004-11-05 12:25:58 PST K Verbally abusive poll worker, kept asking her to leaave and change clothes becasue she was wearing Kerry t-shirt. Was told off, did vote.
Florida Miami 2004-11-02 10:21:32 PST K Voter is a Kerry voter and Cubans who are Bush supporters are acting as officials/ secuirty and intimidating anyone who wants to Kerry
Florida Miami-Dade 2004-11-02 07:33:26 PST K poll worker told voter that she must take off her Kerry button while inside the poll site to vote.
Florida Miami Dade 2004-11-02 14:55:31 PST K Clerk called police to arrest Kerry Attorney because he was taking pictures at the polling cite-caused confusion at the poll--also at least 4 challenges were at this poll today; this was not a targeted poll in Miami-dade county- Caller was an EP attorney working at another location--this was his home precinct
Florida Pinellas 2004-10-30 10:33:58 PST Went to early voting polling place; wearing a Bush shirt and was vocal about support for Bush; told by polling place worker wearing Kerry/Edwards pin that they were too busy for him to vote; was not able to vote
Florida Duvall 2004-10-30 11:10:38 PST At polling place, Rep. Colleen Brown was within 50 ft. of doors handing out sample ballots. He felt intimidated and had to leave. Felt as if he was being coerced to vote for Kerry. Claimed to be scared.
Florida Palm Beach 2004-11-01 13:53:47 PST K Misleading phone calls re election date (to Nov 3) if voting for Kerry. Person provided phone number of the source of the call.
Florida Duval 2004-11-02 14:49:21 PST Kerry people passing out liturature less than 50 feet from polling place.
Florida Duval 2004-11-02 17:06:40 PST Caller complains that Kerry supporters are handing out materials +/- 50 feet from poll location.
Florida Broward 2004-11-10 13:11:54 PST K A US veteran began yelling his support for Bush. Eventually he began to tell voters they were in danger if they voted for Kerry & began threatening voters w/ his cane if they said they were voting for Kerry. He also called a voter fat & toild many voters they were traitors. After speaking w/ 2 of the 3 precinct officials we decided to place a call to theh Pembroke Pines Pd.
Florida Leon 2004-11-12 08:34:21 PST K Neighborhood canvassers for Move-On.org were told by several residents (African-American near Plamer-Munroe Center) that over the weekend 10/30-10/31) canvassers wearing Kerry stickers told them they could vote Tuesday and Wednesday. One woman reported that she was told there was a special day for Democrats to vote - Wednesday 11/03/04. Two women reported that they had received voter registration cards in the mail on 11/2, even though they had them already and had not requested new cards & didn't know why they had been sent. Move-On rep. advised them to take then to the Election Supervisor.
Florida broward 2004-11-02 10:24:30 PST kerry edwards supprters too close to polls
Florida Broward 2004-11-02 16:55:20 PST K Went to vote at Plantation courthouse. Black protestors demonstrators were particularly voting were harrassing black voters had to vote for Kerry. There were partisan Kerry supports right by entrance to building harrassing voters. "In your face" & telling him how to vote. They were organized but don't know if from a particular group.
Florida Broward 2004-11-08 08:38:14 PST People complaining about handing out Kerry informatio for the vote. said that they were too close to the polling stations.
Florida Miami DAde 2004-11-05 07:26:13 PST The voter said:
I received personal insults in loud voice. I was across them with a Kerry-Edwards signs. Nasty language was used. "Deberian quemarse en el infierno, No merecen entrar al cielo ASESINA!"
Florida Miami Dade 2004-11-05 18:00:46 PST K Has DMV receipt of registration, has ID wearing Kerry t-shirt. He was turned away.
Florida Leon 2004-11-02 08:50:38 PST K The manager of the country club is intimidating Democratic voters and not allowing Kerry/Edwards supporters campaign and hold up signs. The manager is having large men come to the cars of people with Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers and "escorting" them to and from the polling site.
Florida Leon 2004-11-02 14:52:35 PST K If you have Kerry paraphernalia 2 men escort in a room and watch you vote
Georgia Gwinnett 2004-11-02 13:17:36 PST K Campaign materials inside precinct she asked about it and materials were removed (picture of Bush approved/Kerry opposed)
Illinois Cook 2004-11-02 11:23:09 PST K Voter told to cover up Kerry T-shirt when he entered polling location.
Kansas Johnson 2004-11-02 09:41:48 PST K Voter wore her Kerry button into the poll. Poll worker would not let her vote until she removed it. She saw no one else with any political buttons or shirts.
Kentucky military 2004-10-31 14:49:47 PST K his stepson came home from basic training a staunch republican- had been given, by someone in authority at base, materials stating that if Kerry won, soldiers would have to pay for own ammo and armour
Massachusetts Barnstable Co. 2004-11-02 16:00:04 PST K Person going to polls dressed as Osama Bin Laden & saying don't vote for Kerry w/in legal distance, spitting & fake sword.
Michigan Wayne 2004-11-13 10:36:12 PST K 7:10-7:30 3 added challengers to 2 Republican challengers inside. Left 7:30 returned 7:40. They were standing behind polls too close, disrupting flow of line. Total at least 5 challenging Republicans. 8 AM, Republican challenger tells man with Kerry button that he has a "problem" - Man w/Kerry button was 100 feet from polling door.
Missouri Johnson 2004-11-02 05:29:22 PST K Told to take off Kerry campaign button although others in polling place had on opposing candidate shirts and buttons.
Missouri Jackson 2004-11-02 15:48:15 PST K Caller advises that while working on a house on the 1300 block of 59th Terrace, a group of 5 or 6 teenagers, dressed in yellow, handing out brochures (Vote today, vote for change--ACT) asked him if he had voted, and if he had voted for Kerry. (No) If not for Kerry, who did he vote for? (Bush) Teenagers threatened to burn house down. Caller spoke with a guy driving by same house in a car later who advised that he had been paid by ACT to drive around these individuals to hand out the fliers.
Nevada Clark 2004-11-02 12:49:25 PST K Voter cast ballot this AM with his wife. Both were wearing Kerry buttons. As they exited polling place, they were approached by 2 ladies and asked their names so they would not have to come to voter's house later. Voter gave name and then got concerned.
New Hampshire Belkop 2004-11-02 15:29:22 PST Runner shown poll & Dem. headquarters with woman running headquarters. Heard about pepole in Belkop county calling people Dem. Bush or Kerry way ahead and not worthwhile to vote. Calling people on phone.
New Hampshire NA 2004-11-02 17:14:27 PST K NH. There were calls to Democrats saying Kerry has won. Don't go vote.
New Jersey Somerset 2004-11-02 12:59:36 PST K Harassment by poll workers. Voter wore Kerry/Edwards t-shirt to the polls and was told to leave. When he returned without shirt on poll workers continued to make nasty comments.
New Mexico Sandoval 2004-11-02 11:50:07 PST K Voter was waiting in line to vote, and was wearing a Kerry T-shirt. The line was quite short. A poll worker approached voter and told him there had been complaints about his shirt. The poll worker asked him to remove it, which he did. He was next in line to vote at the time he called me.{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}Voter wanted to know if they could ask him to remove his shirt.
New Mexico Bernalillo 2004-11-02 13:18:58 PST K Poll workers are asking voters to remove Kerry stickers, but are allowing their own children to sit with them wearing Bush hats.
New York New York 2004-11-02 09:17:30 PST Person by no electioneering signs yelling pro-Kerry slogans
New York New York 2004-11-02 09:18:30 PST Person by no electioneering signs yelling pro-Kerry slogans
North Carolina Union 2004-11-02 14:38:49 PST K The voter complained that there were two women outside the doors of the polling place saying that they would never vote for Kerry; they were within 50 feet of the entrance.
Ohio Lorain 2004-11-03 13:15:09 PST K Poll worker (caller) was in her car listening to the Tom Joyner Morning Show when an elderly woman called into the show to complain that when she went to vote, she was informed that Kerry's position on the ballot was #2, when in fact his position was #10. So she voted for Bush instead of Kerry who she originally wanted to vote for.
Ohio Summit 2004-11-04 10:54:35 PST K Kerry volunteers were harassing by giving out Kerry flyers.
Ohio Summit 2004-11-04 11:00:02 PST Voter says Moveon.PAC reps iin car in parking lot at driveway about 80-100 feet from door to church/polling place yelling 'you're young enough to be drafted. Vote Kerry." Voter says he believes this was going on all over.
Ohio Muskingum 2004-11-05 09:19:50 PST K Recives a cell phone call from Kerry supporter to vote-gave her fictious polling place. Has message saved and caller ID. Did go to the correct place to vote.
Ohio summit 2004-11-03 10:39:57 PST K vehicle with state of
ohio government license plate tags, guy from truck was pulling out all signs of one party (kerry edwards signs); state of elections told caller that person could do this if signs were within x feet/yeards of road, it was okay. Bush/cheney signs were in same location. Called talmidget election officials who were rude; caller claimed her precinct was changed in may or april to rio christian church. then received card changing precinct in late oct 23rd. it changed the name of the location to the latter day saints church but same address. very confusing. can they change the precinct info so close to election day. worried they're trying to confuse voters.
Ohio Cuyoga 2004-11-02 05:51:52 PST K Was told that couldn't wear Kerry t-shirt into polling booth. They could either turn their shirts inside out or take then off. They turned them inside out and voted.
Ohio Hamilton 2004-11-18 11:12:18 PST K Republicn challenger is writing down names of voters have Kerry/Democratic voter guides with them
Pennsylvania Bucks 2004-11-02 16:15:12 PST K Mentally challenged voters from community told that they had to vote for Kerry outside of poll.
Pennsylvania montgomery 2004-11-02 08:55:00 PST K official wearing "judge" pin told voters to remove kerry buttons and hats or they would have to leave
Pennsylvania Northampton 2004-11-02 06:25:20 PST K Caller went in to vote wearing Kerry/Edwards button, not a first-time voter, showed voter registration card. Poll worker demanded she show photo ID and bill with her address. Was then allowed to vote. Did not know address of polling place, but is in 3rd ward of
Northampton; polling place seems to be at 9th and Lincoln (Grace Unted Church of Christ).
Pennsylvania Philadephia 2004-11-02 09:36:41 PST K voter received phone message alleged from Kerry campaign instructing voter to vote at incorrect polling place. Voter used *69 and the follwoing number appeard 215 789 7400
Pennsylvania Philadelphia 2004-11-02 11:05:13 PST K Voter after leaving polling place was approached by a Kerry supporter who demanded her name, asked if she was she a Kerry supporter, stated they would not bother her afterwards if she told them. A few days ago, people were asking if she lived at her location, what her name was, they asked about a dead woman and where she lived. They ran up to a neighbor asking if the voter lived there and what her name was. Was intimidated and thought about not voting, but did vote.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia 2004-11-02 11:06:22 PST K Voter after leaving polling place was approached by a Kerry supporter who demanded her name, asked if she was she a Kerry supporter, stated they would not bother her afterwards if she told them. A few days ago, people were asking if she lived at her location, what her name was, they asked about a dead woman and where she lived. They ran up to a neighbor asking if the voter lived there and what her name was. Was intimidated and thought about not voting, but did vote.
Pennsylvania Alleghany 2004-11-02 05:48:11 PST People in Kerry shirts are inside the polling place. One of them has a copy of the polling place list.
Pennsylvania Northampton 2004-11-02 15:25:08 PST 2 Bush supporters standing outside polls with a German shepherd dog that had a Bush/Cheney sign on its back. She felt the owner would have let the dog go had he known she was a Democrat. No Kerry signs there.
Pennsylvania Montgomery 2004-11-02 07:00:20 PST K Told not able to wear a button into the polls. Not really intimidated but thought it was ridiculous that he was told he should take off the button. It was a Kerry button (but he was not convinced that mattered).
Pennsylvania Philadelphia 2004-11-02 09:18:06 PST At polls, people told caller that she must vote row 1 (for Kerry) when she wanted to vote row 2 (for Bush). They would not let her vote.Says same thing happened to at least one other person. She said it was a man standing by the computer who did this.
Pennsylvania Indiana County 2004-11-02 15:45:26 PST Polling location is bubble-style paper ballots. Caller said that when she got the ballot, John Kerry's bubble was already filled in "pretty dark" She was told by the election officials that this was an "ink error". She said she had voted for Bush and filled in the Bush bubble in pencil but she is worried that the ballot will be rejected because it will appear she voted for two candidates.{cr}{newline}{cr}{newline}She says her husband had the same problem
Pennsylvania Orange 2004-11-01 18:20:03 PST K Caller was a patient in West Penn Hospital recovering from surgery. He and his wife were in his room when a male nurse named "Robert" came in, closed the door and asked them for whom they were voted. When they answered "Kerry", the nurse challenged him to explain himself. He spoke to the couple in a very aggressive manner. The patient said to him "I hope this doesn't hinder you from giving me my medication." The nurse just walked out. The caller does not want EP to do anything without contacting him as he needs to continue to go to the hospital for treatment. The nurse in question is a LPN on the 8th floor.
Pennsylvania allegheny 2004-11-02 07:44:53 PST Man arguing with constable (election overseer) - a Kerry supporter in hallway, warned constable to move Kerry supporter outside bldg - constable said she called allegheny hq - ask how far to sit - was told by allegheny counry - ok if more than 10 feet from door - Man - but caller knows him to be atty, staunch republican - not resident of this area - according to law, she says, can't be in the polling place. Man said can't help her mother with a Kerry button on. Man left - county regs require watcher to be local resident. Can voter be there as nonpartisan?
Pennsylvania Langhorne 2004-11-02 09:06:38 PST K Republican Party operatives inside polling location handing out literature; trying to pursuade people into voting for Bush; bad-mouthing Kerry; were insisting that a local union was backing the GOP, but voter knows for a fact that particular union was not
Pennsylvania Philadelphia 2004-11-02 13:14:51 PST K The Kerry and Bush attorney poll monitors are fighting about challenges, and the Bush attorneys gave the County poll watcher a list of first time voters to challenge. The election judge is making up rules about challenges that bear no relation to the law.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia 2004-11-09 11:51:00 PST SUV pulled up with Kerry/Edwards sticker. Two large men got out and walked into the polling place saying they were there to deliver republican poll watchers; They marched past us and went to electoral desk, touching everything on table including poll books saying they were republicans delivery luich. I told them they were not allowed in without credentials then they left.
Pennsylvania Berks County 2004-11-02 11:28:20 PST K She has voted here before--in this precinct--but was told she wasn't on the list. The Kerry lawyer spoke Spanish and found she had a government ID and sent her back in. She was bashful and intimidated by the poll workers.
South Carolina Lexington 2004-11-02 11:24:25 PST K Caller was told she had to go into restroom and put her Kerry tshirt on inside out before they would allow her to votet, she complied and voted, the person intimidating her was working on electronic voting machine with short grey hair and purplish outfit.
Tennessee Davidson 2004-11-02 07:20:22 PST K Voter was wearing Kerry bumper sticker on hat. Was told she couldn't vote with sticker. Was told she would have to return later without sticker.
Tennessee Shelby 2004-11-02 11:07:37 PST K Bush supporter 20ft from polling location and chasing Kerry supporters.
Tennessee Knox County 2004-11-02 18:59:38 PST K On TV Right now. Caller was given misinformation multiple times. Daughter couldn't obtain absentee ballot. Police dept. refuses to address concenrs. Rt to life pictures posted on car. House attached/sign destroyed Kerry; Television Station Correcton: WATE Inside Bulding, past the ID check in, places, asking questions, singling out African Americans.
Texas Tarrant 2004-11-01 10:19:00 PST Caller said that Election Protection materials are being circulated which state that Kerry should be elected and that Bush will reinstate the draft. He said that there are "Rock the Vote" MTV banners which are partisan being displayed and at the bottom it states "call 1 866 OUR VOTE" for more information. Caller said he will be taking "action" against Election Protection for purporting to be non-partisan and then smearing the Republican Party.
Texas Harris 2004-11-02 13:34:40 PST K Went to vote. J. Kerry & shirt and was told to take it off-she refused - tried to refuse her vote, voting booth not working.
Utah Utah County 2004-11-02 11:55:59 PST K needs immediate follow up; woman wore anti-bush shirt and kerry button to polling place, and was kicked out. went into the polling place and woman said she needed to button shirt and remove button; before she could, a guy (poll worker) pushed her out the door, with her child. the woman hung up abruptly because she said "the police were on the other line." so i wasn't able to get all the details about whether or not she was able to cast a vote.
Washington Clark 2004-11-01 21:42:36 PST K Kerry supporter was harrassed by conservative with Bible on her own lawn for having Kerry signs up. He screamed at her and her small kids, then took the signs. This is just an example of how polarized the town is and how conservative everyone is. She cannot trust the local police because they are conservative too. She is afraid to vote tomorrow.
Washington King 2004-11-02 16:30:13 PST K Poll worker insisted she remove Kerry button. When caller took down poll worker's name (Barbara Stevens) and agreed to cover it, the poll worker backed down.
Washington King 2004-11-02 16:38:15 PST K Poll worker insisted she remove Kerry button. When caller took down poll worker's name (Barbara Stevens) and agreed to cover it, the poll worker backed down.
Wisconsin Milwaukee 2004-11-02 09:10:08 PST K The caller was from Texas; calling because her sister, who lives in Milwaukee and is on W2, was told by her "case manager" that if she voted for Kerry, she would stop receiving her checks; she will call back with more information.
Wisconsin Milwaukee 2004-11-15 11:02:22 PST 2 police cars parked in front of polling station, possibly because people are holding Kerry Edwards signs across the street. The police are just standing around talking. Then a police van pulling a horse trailer parked nearby, and a 3rd police officer on a horse is now in front of the polling place. the people holding signs are more than 100' away.