TALLAHASSEE -- Despite repeated claims that he never used his influence to
benefit his client, House Speaker Tom Feeney arranged at least one meeting
between state officials and an Oviedo computer firm that was having trouble
with its state contract.-
E-mails obtained by The Daytona Beach News-Journal through the state's
public records law contradict statements made by the Oviedo Republican to
the state Ethics Commission, which cleared him of ethical missteps
surrounding his ties to his client, Yang Enterprises.-
Yang's dealings with the state have been at the heart of an ongoing dispute
over questionable invoices in its $8 million technology contract with the
Florida Department of Transportation...10/13/02
State helped Feeney's client
The speaker asked to see a glowing letter written on behalf of his client. -- When a Florida Department of Transportation employee bad-mouthed an Oviedo computer firm to a potential client, House Speaker Tom Feeney got involved.--
After Yang Enterprises learned that the bad review could threaten their hopes of getting a state contract in Maine, the company had demanded the DOT write a letter to counteract the negative comments. But before the letter was mailed, Feeney, whose position made him the second-most-powerful person in Florida government for the past two years, asked to see a copy.--
His action has since raised ethical questions because the company was a client of Feeney's law firm and had paid the speaker to lobby local governments on its behalf. It is a violation of state law for an elected official to use his public position for personal gain, although it's unclear whether requesting to review the letter could be considered illegal. 10/9/02